World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic Patch 4.4.2 Notes

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic
Version 4.4.2 – Hour of Twilight
February 18, 2025

New Dungeon: End Time

This new 5-player Heroic dungeon begins the quest to save all with a look at the desolate future of Azeroth, should its defenders fail to stop Deathwing. End Time rewards iLvl 378 gear.

New Dungeon: Well of Eternity

In this new 5-player Heroic dungeon, adventurers travel back 10,000 years in a brazen attempt to retrieve the Dragon Soul. Well of Eternity rewards iLvl 378 gear.

New Dungeon: Hour of Twilight

This new 5-player Heroic dungeon sets the final stage by bringing players face-to-face with the Twilight’s Hammer in present-day Dragonblight, where Thrall and the Dragon Soul must be safely escorted to Wyrmrest Temple so that the assault on Deathwing can commence. Hour of Twilight rewards iLvl 378 gear.

New Raid: Dragon Soul

Players can take the fight to Wyrmrest Temple and beyond, assisting Thrall and the Dragon Aspects as they seek to bring an end to the Black Dragonflight once and for all.

The Dragon Soul raid will become available on Thursday, February 20 at 3:00 p.m. PST. Dragon Soul is a 10- or 25-player 8 boss raid and has two difficulty modes. Normal and Heroic difficulties reward iLvl 397 and 410 gear, respectively.

Elemental Rune Dungeons: Protocol Twilight

A new optional game mode can be activated in most Cataclysm Classic heroic dungeons by interacting with the Mysterious Elemental Device near each dungeon’s entrance and selecting “Activate Protocol Twilight”.

This mode is not available in Zul’Aman or Zul’Gurub.

New Baradin Hold boss: Alizabal

A third boss, Alizabal, will be available in Baradin Hold with each region’s weekly content reset starting February 25.

Alizabal has the chance to drop iLvl 397 and 403 gear.

Players can raid both the 10-player and 25-player version of Alizabal on separate lockouts, allowing both versions to be run in the same week.

New Legendary Item: Fangs of the Father

The most deadly and experienced rogues will play a central role in the fate of the world the rogue’s way: by manipulating key events from the shadows. Players will travel across continents to accomplish crucial missions of reconnaissance, burglary, infiltration and, of course, assassination. Rogues who succeed will receive a paired set of daggers that will become increasingly lethal as their bearer progresses along the legendary quest. At the height of their strength, they will be imbued with the vile essence of the Old Gods, as well as the maddened fury of the Black Dragonflight – bestowing great power upon their bearer. These powers include a stacking increase to Agility which builds until dark wings unfurl from the rogue’s back, removing the combo point cost and increasing damage of finishing moves for a short time. In addition, the wings which can be spread on command (with no combat benefit) to slow a rapid descent, allowing the rogue to slowly fall to the ground… or enact a little death from above!

The Fangs of the Father item set includes two iLvl 416 Legendary daggers that can be earned by completing the acquisition questline. Players begin by pickpocketing a Cryptomancer’s Decoder Ring from Hagara the Stormbinder, the fourth boss of the Dragon Soul raid. Only rogues are all eligible for this questline.

Developers’ notes: To account for Cataclysm Classic’s increased content cadence, we have sped up the average rate of acquisition of this Legendary Item. Players will be able to craft their first, and subsequent, Fangs of the Father faster than in the original Cataclysm. Additionally, Rogues do not need to be on the collection portion of the quest for Elementium Gem Clusters to drop in Dragon Soul (preventing players from needing to leave mid raid to turn in the quest).

Updated Auction House

The updated Auction House includes many changes.

  • Commodities (stackable items) are no longer sold in individual stacks.
    • This allows you to select the number of items you want to buy, and the Auction House will automatically locate the lowest priced auctions to sell to you.
  • You’ll be able to see the unit price and total price before you make your purchase.
  • With the lowest-priced items always sorted to the top, you’ll never have to dig for the best deal again.
  • When selling commodity items, rather than setting a price for stacks of items, you’ll be asked to set a price per unit.
    • This gives buyers the ability to decide how many items they wish to purchase at a much more granular level.
  • Non-stackable items are now grouped together in categories of their own.
    • For example, a piece of gear like Master’s Boots of Stamina will have its own category, in which there may be numerous listings of that piece of gear at various prices.
  • Certain elements of the UI have been reorganized so that browsing, sorting, and purchasing items is more intuitive
  • Items will continue to be realm-specific, including commodities.
  • When listing an item for sale, the auction house will not recommend a default price based on the lowest listing. Players can either click on an existing listing to set their price based on that listing, or enter their price manually.

For Classic, we think it’s appropriate to preserve the experience of actively choosing what price you’d like to set for an item rather than recommending the lowest possible price at all times.

Token Updates

Players who previously held a subscription, but are not currently paying for one, are now able to log in and access the character select screen to use or buy WoW Tokens for game time. If they have enough gold across all characters to purchase a Token, and a Token is available for purchase, they will be able to purchase and use a Token. If they have an existing Token in any characters’ bags, they’ll be able to use it at the character select screen.


Oh excuse me i thought this was classic. This AH sucks nuts, and were getting more feature creep from retail. Give me back my known and preferred AH.


Agreed, sir!


This auction house is so bad, why would you add this? This is classic.


The auction house is a major decrease in functionality not a better option. Looking for gear now will take a serious amount of time because it is no longer listed by level, and it takes way more time to list items for sale. I can’t see where any of the changes made are an improvement. If it isn’t broken don’t fix it is advise I would say fits here, it wasn’t broken and now it is. The auction house was easy to use and now it is a nightmare. Can we just put it back the way it was?


The twilight protocols are completely botched. You just crammed the stupid ooze mechanics in without giving a single thought to how those mechanics synergize with currently existing boss mechanics. Do you know how many bosses have force stop mechanics where trying to move away from oozes and give DPS time to kill one is impossible? I’m not sure how many either but the forge master in Grim Batol is one of them. You’ve brilliantly lined up the ooze spawn timer with the timer for the boss to choose a new weapon so you have zero counterplay on the oozes. A full 380+ group and we pounded our heads against it 10 times and got nowhere. 353 min ilvl. Grats, Blizzard. Your patented “we don’t know how our own product even works but we’re going to pile more convoluted crap on top of it” tuning strikes again. Why do you even bother with the PTR? You clearly learn nothing from its operation.


There is a little dropdown menu now for level search parameters, instead of it being embossed into the panel frame?

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Can you hurry up and nerf these so we can actually start running them? I’ve wiped more on the last boss in lost city than i wiped on the majority of firelands bosses


Come on guys, you broke everything?


nerf the new dungeons or buff the buffs we get from running them. they are miserable to run.

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Your not suppose to change classic games. The whole reason we play classic games is to enjoy there old style features. What the heck is going on? The banking is a disaster now.


Thank you, I do see it. I just am not a fan of the new format. I do thank you for your response.


Well great. I just bought two pieces of gear at the new AH, both with random enchantments. Both items turned out to have high levels of intellect. Sweet, right? No. I’m a feral druid. Agility. Agility! I wasted 300 g because I couldn’t see what the random enchants were. If I wanted to play retail, I would play retail. I’m done with WoW, I’m done with Blizz. My subscription expires at the end of March and that’s it. I’m done. Thanks alot for this update - you lost me. I’m out.

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I noticed the new iLvl 377 PvP patterns for sale earlier. Bought all and every single one are bugged. Acts like I’m learning the plan, but at end of progress bar, throws red error: Spell is not available to you. Tried reselling them and repurchase, tried disabling all addons, reload, restart, no dice. Submitted in-game bug report too.


I play classic for the CLASSIC game feel not this botched update you installed AH is bad! Guess its time to kill my subscription can i get a refund on my pre paid time left?

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Yeah this AH sucks, I dont even want to know what else you did. So much for Classic gameplay.

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My Favorites list only saves 1 Favorite. Unless im doing something wrong?

You have to search an item and click the little star down next to the listing. The big star up top is just the favourites list. I was doing the same thing for about 10 minutes until I saw it.

Where have you been the last 2-3 years? Also, the auction house change is great. No longer do I need to buy a full stack of 20 gems when I only need 3. No more buying a single ore because the person posted them one at a time. If I want 100 ore, it can be done in one transaction, I don’t have to go and search and sort for various stacks to find the combination of entries I’m looking for.

From my perspective, the only people against the AH change are people who attempt to get more money out of people through some sort of shenanigan.