World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade remix

Remix has been so much fun. Fun way to lvl a character. Plus, I missed out on a lot of Mists of Pandaria, and got to experience it because of the remix. I missed out on a lot of Burning Crusade because of a bad Internet connection. I saw another post asking for a Burning Crusade remix so I thought I would do the same and second the motion :slightly_smiling_face:. Well, have a nice day!


I hope to see more remix as well!

Hopefully they’ll end up doing several other expansions, including BC if enough people show interest. I’d love to get a WoD one too, personally since there’s a ton of mounts I’m missing and I didn’t get to experience that expansion live. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


There will likely be a burning crusade remix or a season of discovery tbc.

A while back hundreds of recolored weapons and armor models were added to the game files like they did for mop remix.

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I was surprised they started with MOP, but I’d love to see a remix for all of the xpacs. BC was one of my favorites by far, so I’d definitely like to see that come soon. I’d also like to see them learn from their mistakes and add in arsenals from the get go.

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I won’t play another remix. I finished this one to level an evoker. By the end, I hated it.

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If I am to assume, the next Remix will be WoD. The overall WoD expansion is designed similar to Mist. So it would be easier to make it into the next Remix.


If they do a BC remix I hope they put a little exposition in it, maybe some Nozdormu narration like they did for the dark heart.

I played through the thing twice in retail and classic and didn’t follow most of it until I read chronicle.

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I like a HD Version of Burning Crusade. All of those Warlords of Draenor and Legion Models is there just sitting there rotting but mostly Warlords of Draenor creature models that could be used for like nagrand, terrorkar forest, hellfire, blade’s edge, and more.


…i’m scared of the respawn rates and escort quests of tBC. :robot::sweat_drops:

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Remix has been terrible. Plunderstorm was better

Reported(jk) for being 1000% wrong(not kidding). Blunderstorm should never have happened. Literally the most trash game mode ever. Whomever okayed it should never be allowed to okay anything ever again.