World of Warcraft at BlizzConline News Round-Up

I am not actively playing WoW Classic. Just thought I should clarify that first. Wouldn’t adding “expansions” onto Classic make it… you know… NOT CLASSIC? I do recall there being some desire when I did play at the start for them to add more xpack features as time goes, but that’s just creating a second WoW and splitting all the work. When the comments wanted more xpacks for classic, it was met by a greater Hell No in chat. I really don’t understand this route.

Then again, playerbase is not exactly the brightest when you had people on day one of Classic wanting to know where they access their collections and heirlooms. Sure some of those were just trolls being stupid, but some were asking a legit question.

Please blizzard, for the love of elune try work on nightborne and other allied races, after the dire news of no continuation of customization many of us feel left out and ignored, nightborne and lightforged draenei are in very bad state and some of us main them and we had high hopes you will mention that those races at least get some love this expansion

I actually got my hours and pay cut 40%, so pretty crappy bday actually =[

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