World of Warcraft, 20 years later, is STILL the best game the world has ever seen

People have been using this “cartoony” or even “Disney” line as a way to describe modern WoW even before Classic came out. I really don’t think anything that’s been released could be described that way except for maybe some of the Dragonflight stuff. This was a mob in Waycrest Manor in BfA:

The bloody, torn-out throat. The lacerations all over the skin. The human skulls. Very cartoony!


and before that we had Legion, which had some of the greatest armor sets with more realistic, darker color palettes than anything in Classic:

Show me some of the modern lizard playable race and recent armor releases.

On average it is way more cartoony than Era, sure it has some stuff that still has the warcraft style, but much has moved away from it.

Some of it’s pretty cool, not everything but that’s been the case for pretty much every tier:

Oh, here’s a Paladin one I really like:

This Rogue set kinda looks like something from Mortal Kombat:

Can you show the same equivalent set from vanilla? t1,t2, or t3 - i’m not sure what classes the first two are for :stuck_out_tongue: is that warrior and the second priest? Can prob just do t3 to get a fair comparison, though some of the earlier sets are pretty flavorful as well.

I’m not able to link images in forums.

First is DK, 2nd is Priest.

Paladin tier 1:

Paladin tier 2:

Some of it’s good, some of it’s bad. Just like every tier in every expansion, imo. Are the images loading? Might have to go to imgur.

Here’s the revamped WSG on my Modern Paladin:

Here’s Classic WSG on my Paladin in tier 3:

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Umm the images aren’t loading, throw in t3 for pally though it is def much better than the first 2. Pally t1 is prob my least fav vanilla set, though the banana set is hilarious.

If we want a visual comparison to the other sets you linked: a good comparison would be:

war t3

priest t3

pally t3

rogue t3

We can agree to disagree but you’ve gotta at least admit that WSG Night elf flag room is much more “Elven” in the revamp. The vines and detailed woodworking, it’s really well done, imo.

It does look more ‘elven’ but I am not sure it is an improvement. But that may be because I get enjoyment just seeing the vanilla one (I play a lot of WSG).

Here are the link for the set imgs if you can post them <3





I think Vanilla WoW is the best video game ever created. I truly don’t know how they pulled off what they did 20 years ago. It blows me away still to log into Classic Era.

Part of the sad reality is they wouldn’t be allowed to make that game today. A game that was built to be fun and immersive and engaging. These days Blizzard would rather have a cheaply made, quickly made, hollow shell of a game to fill with micro-transactions. I don’t think we’ll ever go back to the era where passionate devs were allowed to just do their thing. Marketing and sales make the big decisions. Can really only look to smaller studios and Indies for that kind of experience.

And Retail WoW is trash. Looks like crap and is designed for 3 year olds with no attention span.

Seems like 90-95% of your posts are completely negative with no room for discussion. Do you not have anything better to do?