World of Warcraft®: Shadowlands Beta Preview Round-Up

I am so excited for Shadowlands, My eyes have recently been glued on my email inbox praying for a beta key. I can not wait to have a go and have done my best to keep away from spoilers in some of my favourite YouTubers who were lucky enough to gain access to Alpha… Bring it on guys I can not wait!!! Fingers crossed <3

Cannot wait for release, be glad to get Beta access in the meantime :3 uwu

I love how the Shadowlands alpha looked! I am so happy I pre-purchased it. I hope I can be in the Beta Testing! Much love blizzard. <3

I check the Launcher everyday! Looking for that sweet-sweet Beta account.

I have to curse.

Gearing is &*!@ed.

I keep saying it over and over and %^&*ing over, there’s no item level in cog damed Quake. WHY in arenas, BGs, instanced PVP, do we have mythic items or item level? I could ad hominem specific people but I wont.

I won’t accuse the sponsors, the gambling on esports, the merger.

Gearing is $%^&ed and unnecessary. I hate mythics. I hate arena tournaments. They’re time sinks. I miss RTS Warcraft.

I want to abolish item level. It’s fictional and draws away from the fun factor, especially in raids. Cosmetic unlocks is the way to go.

Botting, harassment, and boosts are the 3 big things haunting WoW at the moment, and removing the item level in instanced content (especially regarding weapons) would benefit ALL, not just the elite few. It would discourage profession robots, because the best loot comes with the subscription. Removing item level would reduce harassment, because the playing field is level. Removing item level in instanced PvP and PvE would discourage boosts, because there’s plenty of cool looking cosmetic items from previous expansions to unlock.

A player leveling to 120 kicking butts all the way in PvP becomes a twig at 120. A dummy that hasn’t played a single BG in months but paid for a guild boost could one shot a fresh 120 without trying (and frankly, that money should go to blizzard, not some chumps).

This doesn’t correlate and reward players that are JUST PLAYING, even if it’s not at high skill cap. They sunk the time in (AND PAID CASH MONEY), why punish them?

I would pay 30 a month if I got the 475 item level. I don’t have the time, patience, or the tolerance for toxicity. I have lost friends. I have made many many more. I’m sick of watching people kill themselves (mentally and physically) over stupid fake stats on armor and weapons.

Why don’t they have whips in the game? Why don’t pole arms have a longer melee range? Where did weapon specializations go, and why can’t I block attacks with a buckler sized fist weapon? Why are there no spell staves that function like two handed wands? Those are what they should be focusing on, inventive, fun gameplay, not stat bumping for item level pushes. I’m livid.

I’m ready to be a master of Arms that swaps weapons again!

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INV ME PLZ, Ive never gotten an invite and ive been playing for over 14 years now. Thanks

No, there is nothing wrong with Voidform at all. The only problem with Spriest is how Blizzard keeps putting them in wheelchairs almost every patch or expansion. Necrotic Plague? Like really, @Blizzard? Why can’t you up Spriest dog damage, leave the way they are in BFA and let people enjoy the class.

I loved legion :smiley:

You will see Shadowlands : Beta in your battlenet launcher

Looking forward to seeing how Shadowlands progresses. I’ve been keeping up with it since the reveal on a regular basis and am really looking forward to the changes! I’m hopeful that I can make it into Beta for the first time. :slight_smile: I have plenty of time to dedicate to testing and would love to help out!

For those that do get in, be sure to make videos and streams for those of us that aren’t lucky enough, and to everyone, good luck!

Use the link to opt in to the beta. They will be rolling invites out sometime this week!

I hear ya I want it as well. Last time I got a beta was winning one of Bellulars contests D: (and that was about a month before launch)

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Please, please for the love of all that’s sacred and love of anything at all, stop the level squish. What was the point of all the expansions so far then? If people want to be sixty they can go to classic, why you force everyone to that?
You gonna give us lots of money for all the time we expended leveling characters? or refund the level boosts for those who bought them?


Can’t even opt-in keeps saying Keeps saying “We weren’t able to record your opt-in. Please try again later.” I’ve been trying for days. It would be fun to test but there are likely thousands that are interested too.

have fun.

There’s nothing wrong with Voidform? You’re missing the part where we don’t start doing damage until a minute into a fight. Also, once COI and our hyper-inflated secondaries are gone, we’re back to dumpster tier.

Understood…my last Beta was for the original beta…in the beginning of WoW…
so hoping to get an invite but not going to hold my breath or expect it


I’m with you on that we shall pray together lol

Here’s hoping for an invite. My main needs to get crackin on bug reporting.

If you get to test Beta guys, please be mature and test well. Give solid feedback and represent our community well.

Draw your own conclusions, test out how things feel, experience it and make your OWN voice heard.

These guys are putting in a lot of time in and it’s a shame to read over the posts at times but I still have faith (somehow) that you’ll make what we all love a better experience in the upcoming months.

Shadowlands is going to be sick. If you get in , you represent your community. Please for the love of The Sunwell, do well this go around.


I’ve Got my Beta Invite! Woo!

Is what I would say if I got an invite. Please blizz? When Beta?

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