World of StarCraft

I would love to see a World of StarCraft game produced by Blizzard. Imagine the Science Fiction environments, the space ships, the merchandised battle suits, the blasters, lasers, ray-guns. Futuristic Cyberpunk / Blade Runner type cities.

Yes I know. Theres already SWTOR. But what I want is a StarCraft Blizzard quality Sci-Fi game. With the same lore, and content as the StarCraft RTS game.

A StarCraft MMORPG.

Ya if they kept with the same cartooish vibe I think it would be great. I always wondered if StarCraft was in the same universe as WarCraft? Didn’t they cross over in another game? Maybe they could combine the two.

well it died in the egg last time they went for that. (project titan i think it was called?)

id have more hope for world of diablo xD

im assuming the problem with an SC mmo is that a whole lot of ppl played SC for the strategy, not the lore/graphics/ambience

personally i dont have much nostalgia about SC other than 2v2 lost temple and this tune:

Yeah I thought I remembered them making something like it, but scrapping things in the end.

Would be really cool, but I feel like Blizzard would be losing more than they gained.

I agree


I kind of wonder this myself. There’s a lot of similarities.

Especially with the bug people back in Pandaria.

So, the equivalent of an entire game played in an underwater zone…

Hard pass.

Much rather see a Starcraft 3 rts game. Starcraft franchise is in maintenance mode now, so I wouldn’t get those hopes up. Even, if they decided to revive Starcraft, they would end up making it a fps type action shooter game.

Some of the creators from SC and SC2 are making their own RTS that drops this year. Super hyped for it.

Stormgate from Frost Giant Studios (had to search for it).

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Yep Frost Giant studios :slightly_smiling_face: Former Starcraft devs, and Command & Conquer devs

Yeah, between that and the one David Kim is making sponsored by Tencent, I’m really hoping one of them pans out. I don’t have a ton of faith in David Kim though

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Looking forward to it myself. Long time real time strat game fan. C&C, and Starcraft were the first games I played on a pc. Hopefully Frost Giant makes a good one. Tbh I believe Blizzard is done with the mmorpg type of games. They will just continue to milking wow for what its worth. My opinion they will branch off to other genres, and delve more into the mobile games market. I also hope Frost Giant someday tries to work out a deal with Tolkien, and pick up the LOTR ip for RTS games, since EA let that license expire many years ago.

I want to say that was what Overwatch was meant to be. The MMO part did not work out but they were able to salvage the PvP part.

Personally I want a World of Diablo where you can be “heroes” or demons.

I don’t even remember Starcraft.

But to be fair, I barely remembered playing any of the Warcraft games prior to WoW coming out, even though I know for a fact that I played Warcraft I and II.

Should try it. Good game with a good story imo. To this day I believe Brood War was the best Blizzard expansion they have made.