World of Patchcraft!

Resubscribed after a year or so off. Took ages to reinstall and update, but I thought maybe it’d be fun in the pre-patch.

On the first day I went back to those underground caverns. Only went in there once before, back when they first opened. Couldn’t find anything to do back then, so didn’t bother going back. After I’d unsubscribed I found out that events only showed on your map if you were close to them. Hard to imagine anyone designing that intentionally, but there you go.

So I’m back there to complete a quest to protect some researchers. I go to the location and wait. And wait. And wait. There were 20 or so other players waiting there as well. Someone asked if it was bugged. Another player said it probably was and hearthed out.

Amazing. A year away and still those caverns are broken. The first thing I tried failed comprehensively. Hearthed out and abandoned the quest. A disappointing end to a campaign I barely remember. Well, I remember the disappointment from the first time, so it’s nice to see Blizzard kept up that standard.

Tried a few of the pre-patch events. Fun, if you get there at the start.

Tonight I saw one of the events was due to start in ten minutes. “Cool,” I thought and launched the client.

“Not so fast!” says Blizzard and now I’m patching. I had the client fully patched just yesterday, but that’s not enough. I need to remember to launch this game an hour before I want to play. I’m starting to remember why I unsubscribed.

The event is over by now, so maybe I might make the next one. If I bother logging in. After a long day at work, I don’t feel like jumping through hoops just for a game. Not sure why it needs so many patches (still going, 20 minutes after I started).

I reckon I’ll unsubscribe just to avoid accidentally paying for a second month. If I start enjoying the game, I’ll be there when the subscription runs out and will pay again. Otherwise, I’ll just let it slide and nothing will be lost.


the patch broke a lot of things. (as patches always do)

did you report it?

I don’t report issues. I move on. If a company fails, I let them know by taking my business elsewhere. I don’t work for them or in their quality control department.

You can be a tester for Blizzard. Until they pay me, I’ve got better things to do.


Get better internet, geese. My phones hot spot is faster…

coming here to complain, took more words than a simple bug report would have needed.

for someone who chooses to take their business elsewhere, you seem to have a lot of posts saying “i’m unsubbing”. :melting_face:


Sorry, I didn’t realise I was tech support for one of the planet’s wealthiest companies, with thousands of QC staff. I bet they’re glad to have you and your mindset though. You’ll save them a few dollars.

And are people not allowed to vent some frustrations in your world?

One post. Not sure why that’s too many for you. And I’ve already unsubscribed. I’ll see if the game is worth the month.


Just looked through their post history…and not seeing “A lot of unsub” posts.

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The forums is where the GMs tell us to come. Welcome and you are a valued member of the WoW community.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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i didn’t scroll any further, but… you get the idea.

Lol using something from 3 years ago as ‘proof’ is asinine and you know it, Bully.


If I were you, I’d ignore the cow in the bunny ears.

They may be quite eager to rummage through peoples posting history to find something to grasp on, but they also seem to be here purely to attack, deride, mock and insight people, seemingly for pleasure.

It’s all in their own post history if they’re going to throw stones in glass houses.

but you are right, We shouldn’t have a “release first, fix later” mentality from a company this large, but Beta now is simply early access for streamers and in no way a functional “beta test” of anything anymore, We’re paying for a product, and you have the right to expect a working one.

No matter what a literal troll on the forums tells you.


what’s this got to do with GMs?

unsubbing used to send you to the forum to give feedback, is that still a thing any more?

interesting take… especially when the vast majority of my time is spent helping people.


That’s the industry. The companies that have the resources not to need these bad philosophies… are the ones with these bad philosophies.

It’s why indie developers are growing in popularity. They simply do everything better except needlessly expensive graphics that people didn’t ask for anyway.

And even a handful of them give the good graphics, and still deliver quality games.


Man it is bad Blizz should feel ashamed of Thim self’s
for putting this crap out !

Ahh yes another cancel sub thread.

You say you’ve been a long time player…Okay then you would know this happens .

You don’t report a bug issue then realy can’t complain that they don’t listen or fix anything…

It’s kind of like voting. If you don’t go and vote then you have no room to complain about the outcome.

Same goes for game, if you don’t bother putting reports in, then don’t run aorund complaining nothing gets done.

Okay so how is Blizzard supposed to know if something is bugged then?

I agree with the sentiment. No company is 100% perfect and some things will be missed, so there is a legitimate reason to have a bug reporting channel. BUT, when things are released in such a broken unpolished disastrous mess that makes it seem like nobody at Blizzard plays their own game, then yup, I get exactly where you’re coming from.

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Yes, I know it happens. This wasn’t a cancel sub thread to start when I started writing, but I got frustrated when I recalled the issues as I was writing.

Microsoft is one of the wealthiest companies on the face of the planet. They have tens of thousands of QC staff and effectively unlimited resources. That they rely on customers to report issues is astonishing. They’re not indie devs, stop treating them like they are. They pay for the testing they care about.

Like I said. I’ve voted with my wallet now. It’s up to Blizzard to make it worth it for the next 30 days. Happy to buy the next xpac and pay for another month, if I start enjoying the game again. Tonight has not helped.