World Of Elfcraft

so, heres the scenario. the four major elven races (nightborne, night elves, void elves, blood elves) have left their factions. they’ve had the time to increase their numbers, each race is equal in size and have their own capital cities. however… seeing that their elves, they have a natural dislike for each other. this eventually leads to a petty war between all four. who would win?

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Whoever gets their manabombs finished first.

The players would win, because we’ll get EVEN MORE elf allied races to join the 4 sides.


Night Elves don’t have much atm, due to losing their home and all that, but they can put up a decent fight.

Void Elves are small in number, but can wield the power of the void, which shouldn’t be underestimated.

Blood Elves have a established civilization, and access to both powerful mages and paladins.

Nightborne Elves are probably the most powerful elven spellcasters of the 4, but probably the weakest in physical combat.

So it depends.

If based on magics, Nightborne.

If based on physical attacks, toss up between Blood and Night Elves.

If a mix of both, probably Blood Elves.

If Horde vs. Alliance Elves, probably Alliance.

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Me. Death to the living!

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Nightborne defeat void elves as the superior blue magic warped spaceyful elves that opposed their base race, teleport ugly clothes into silvermoon and force the blood elves to surrender, but are then defeated by the night elves and their devastating verbal comebacks



Alliance or horde


Wouldn’t horde be the obvious winner by that logic? At worst it’s 2 from 3, and at best a clean sweep.

I feel that void magics combined with the night elves physical prowess can easily take down the Horde elves. Void portals provide more flexible troop movement over traditional portals, so they can close the gap and eliminate the range advantage mages have. Combined with the volatile ways void interacts with the Light, things can get messy real quick.

When two Elves go to war, it becomes a bunny fight!!!


okay, fair enough. but we have to first look at the strength and weaknesses of each race and speculate on how they would effect each other. also, dont forget that the scenario isnt determined by current time. the races have changed in population and have their own cities

night elves, although somewhat lacking in the arcane, have druids and priests.

nightborne, are agreeably the strongest of the 4 races in the arcane, but thats almost 95% of what their races power/culture has been revolving around, not leaving much room for any other practice.

blood elves, like the nightborne are swayed strongly by the arcane. and to a slightly lesser degree the light. they seem to be relatively well rounded considering they have priests, paladins, and mages. but they lack knowledge in nature.

void elves, being formerly blood elves, have pretty much all the knowledge their recently removed kin has. however, lore wise, they seem to only focus on the void. so like the blood elves they lack knowledge of nature, and the numbers in the arcane.

so i guess the question would be, how would each race use their strength against each other, and what kind of effects would it have?

The Sin’dorei Have proven that they have the forces to mount offensives by themselves without aid from the rest of the Horde, like in Pandaria. They also have Manabombs, and powerful sorcerors.

All the Elf races stop and ask why are we fighting each other when we can join forces and start a new Elven Empire.


There is still fel energy though, and as you said, blood elves and night elves are equal in physical prowess so they cancel eachother out basically.

Take into account that night elf numbers are way down now due to being slaughtered, and there were only a small number of void elves.

Still not seeing how Alliance would pull it off.

But… what about the elves that are currently hostile to player factions?

We’ve got:

  • Naga (Sea Elves)
  • Satyr (Goat Elves)
  • Wretched (Overcharged Elves)
  • Withered (Undercharged Elves)
  • Fal’dorei (Spider Elves)

If all the elves get together, they’ll vastly outnumber the other factions! Even more so if they decide to count Trolls as elves…

Oh dear, what a terrifying prospect!


Blood elves.

Have you seen how fast those buggers replenish their numbers?

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Blood Elves. They show superiority to Nightborne Magic in Suramar, Night Elves are rank novices in their resumption of the Arcane Arts, and Void Elves are Blood Elves with purple blood.

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Those look delicious! Arms rifle My beasts will be eating well tonight.

Hope you’ve got toothpicks, the meat is stringy and will stick between their teeth :grin:


I love this idea! :grin::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::sunglasses::heart::blue_heart::clinking_glasses:

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Every non elf race wins. Elves killing each other and reducing the elf population is just a win for everybody.

Great idea!