For the definition of latency/lag (ms) please scroll down to the bottom of this post first. Also, the character I’m posting this on is not my CST server character.
I live in Texas and use Verizon Fios for the internet. In “most” games I have the lowest ms. World of Warcraft however…is one of the exceptions where I typically have worse ms/delays. For the longest time I played on East coast servers with my friends, but when they stopped playing I decided to try and find a server with lower latency. I thought that by choosing a CST (Central Standard Time) server the issue would be resolved. I was wrong. Even though my “Home ms” stays in the low twenties and high teens (which is better than it was on the East coast server)…my world ms in dungeons rarely drops below 200 ms. While in a dungeon group someone from Australia told me that they were getting 77 ms while I was getting 214 ms. He said this has to do with who is leading the party. He went on to say that if an Aussie is leading the Battleground/Raid…my ms will continue to be over 200 ms. Is this true? Is the amount of lag I have based on who is leading the party regardless of which server I choose? Are the servers located in different locations? Which server is closest to Texas? This is one of the very few MMORPGs where I have over 200+ ms lag issues. Does every cross realm group have Aussie servers mixed in with them?
Latency is the delay between when you click something and when you see it. It’s the time it takes for your request for data to get to a server (like a website), and then for the data to get back to you. Latency is measured in milliseconds, abbreviated “ ms ”. Most people will begin to notice delays of about 150-200ms.
Actually the delay is barely noticeable at under 200.
If the game is hosted in Australia, then to be under 200 is a good latency. They have probably the worst internet over there.
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Yup, if you are grouped with oceanic and placed on their servers you get that 200ms plus lag.
That is for you. I can tell the difference between 80ms and 25ms when I am playing the game.
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For some weird reason, my Ms went from 70-80 home/world to
10-20 MS Home/World.
This actually made me suspicious, like the Cox backbone is suddenly directly connected to Blizzard or something. I’m on Cox Internet, in Nebraska.
But this is also in solo play, so i’m not in dungeons with people where I’d notice a different MS.
Yeah, I’m sure you can. It makes such a big difference. Especially at the cutting edge level of gaming that WoW is.
It depends partially on your spec if you notice higher ping starting earlier or not. Survival in Legion was a spec that you HAD to have good ping to play properly because of the window on mongoose bite or whatever, so you’d notice higher ping more than, say, an Enhancement Shaman, or most casters in general.
I’m in Texas on a CST server. Historically latency hasn’t been an issue. It is 250+ most of the time and interferes with gameplay. My gear and internet is great and I don’t have problems with other games. It’s only WoW and it’s not going to work for me much longer.
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Same here. I was at almost 1k last night. Very frustrating and makes one want to stop playing
I was the same way last night,
my ms and such is still like 800 or close to 1k.
last night it was higher i mean net was alil slow on browser due to bad weather.
But the bad weather is gone everything is fast, and wow still is lagging so it is their end not ours.
something on their end is messing up alot of servers, i mean people with like vary high end gaming pcs sure wont see it.
but mines high end but not that high end.
last week i was running fine 30 to 40 fps and around 50ish ms on all servers who doesn’t lag at all or one bit.
Yet i resetted everything in game reset router etc and inside folder stuff and still laggy, if this continues i may eventually un sub, because i cant tank worth Crap if it continues to lag like it does, and im not the only one most my friends are saying they are lagging as well so its just not me or on any other server too.
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This has really been bad the last few months. the lag has been so bad I could hardly move. I know a lot of people getting this give up and quit playing, then try another day. If they keep having issues, they leave for awhile. This is not good, people. You really need to do something about this latency.
Nice necro, but considering it’s not happening to everyone, it’s probably something in the routing from their house to their isp through level 3 to blizzard.
This is a pretty common issue for me as I live in Australia. I get 20ms easily when just going through the open world but as soon as I join any party, raid, dungeon, etc I instantly go above 200ms. Makes it very hard for me to even want to do anything instanced.
It’s just a population thing, you’re more likely to get a US based instance over an AU in randoms, and AU is VERY far from the US.
Really OCE should be it’s own region.
Quoted for truth.
This game does play surprisingly well at 200 ms. But for any command which has server authority, the inevitable delay is there, and you will feel it.
Now that I’m down the road from the servers and typically have 16ms, I can even tell the difference between 16 and anything higher than that, at all. I have seriously had moments when I started raging up and asking “what is this ridiculous lag?”… and I check and it’s like… 17-20 ms.
You might be able to feel it, but the game is built to be functional at least through 200ms.
There’s people who raid mythic from NA to EU and that’s about 100-130ms on avg.
Oh sure, of course. I spent many years playing from Australia with 200+, before they created the OCE servers. It’s perfectly playable.
But in terms of actually enjoying it… it’s a lot nicer playing with a lower ping. From that point of view, anyone complaining about being dumped in another region (without their consent) has a valid complaint.
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AU is something way more then just ping, even 150 on AU realms feels awful but 150 on EU is barely noticeable to me.
I honestly thing there’s packet loss going on between OCE and US regions