I found a slight variation of this macro on wowwiki. It puts all the world markers into one keybind and each button press will cycle through each of the world markers, 1 - 8.
/cwm [mod] all
/run local b=ActionButton8 _MH=_MH or(b:SetAttribute("*type5","macro")or SecureHandlerWrapScript(b,"PreClick",b,'Z=IsShiftKeyDown()and 0 or(Z or 0)%8+1 self:SetAttribute("macrotext5","/wm [nomod]"..Z)'))or 1
/click ActionButton8 Button5
However, the issue is that sometimes the macro will stop working, and instead will activate whatever spell I happen to have on bound my Shift-2 keybind slot. Reloading my UI fixes the issue until it “randomly” happens again.
My question is, does anybody know of a way to write a macro to do the same thing as the macro above but better? or could this macro be rewritten to not cause issues?
It will break if you’re in combat when you use it for the first time after a reload. It should work in combat if you’ve already used it once to set up the secure script.
I think that macro is as good as you can get while staying under the 255 character limit. Creating a new button is kinda long so it reuses one of the default action buttons to save space. I assume that’s why it’s triggering your shift-2 button. Any macro will require you to use it once before combat to do some setup.
If you use an addon to extend the character limit you could make it fail more gracefully if you try to use it in combat before it’s set up. But at that point why not use an addon that does the setup automatically?
I like the addon OPie for markers.
I’m not sure if it includes the world markers by default so here’s an import code.
/opie > Custom Rings > New Ring > Import Snapshot
oetohH7 7ivX3wl q4it2ww orldmar k932wcc d8e59wc 94q4ity wworldm ark932q 4ittwwo rldmark 932q4it rwworld mark932 q4iteww orldmar k932q4i twwworl dmark93 2q4itqw worldma rk932q4 it4wwor ldmark9 32q4it3 wworldm ark9323 twWorld 06Marke rs9134w 1mgroup 1606ALT 0AY9144.
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just to clarify, does opie work with the Flare world markers? I know sometimes raid target markers and world markers are used interchangeably.
My import code uses the /worldmarker macro command to place markers on the ground.