World kill quest = love it

Thanks blizzard! My ppl need anima!


Excuse me what?

lol Ally has AOO this week so I’m gonna assume OP means “My ppl” = his alts.

Or his/her cov…? xD

Could be that as well haha, or maybe they meant the Alliance as a whole? Idk man :sweat_smile:

The world may never know!

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I mean charity is charity I guess

I have 5000 anima saved up and I only upgraded one command table thing and haven’t bought any reward items :frowning: Sometimes my guys come back from a mission and they need 1000 anima in healing!

I need like 100,000 anima! What! My people are starving and all I get are these little 1x35 pennies omg.

world pvp quest = awesome it should be a daily!

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Oh I really hope you aren’t healing your troops instead of just waiting a day :\


What did I just read?

Something pretty spooky if I’m not mistaken.

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Just to reinforce what Jholagian said… it is much more beneficial to not spend the anima to heal your followers. I was making that same mistake and I just could not get ahead on anima. Until I learned that it actually saves you anima to either re-send the near dead followers back out (even if they are going to die because then they heal to full anyway), or to just wait for them to heal. If I’m not mistaken they also heal back up to full if they complete their mission successfully.

For Night Fae (this character) their mission board is stupid OP and your troops basically never die. My main toon is Kyrian and their mission board is a bit more difficult to find success with.

I would also highly suggest the addon called CovenantMissionManager (or something along those lines) to help with the mission board process, it simplifies it and makes it quick & easy!

Um… I didn’t get this quest this week?

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It’s not up every week, depending on how many alliance have WM on.


Blame your fellow alliance.

I’m going to blame you. Just terrible thing u did.

Hey, I didn’t do anything but SLAY your fellow alliance.

Man is doing good work.

You know it.