Just got Renown 80 on all Covenants this morning! I inspected quite a few people and it doesn’t seem like anyone else has this yet. I’ve never really been competitive in anything in WoW so it feels super cool to have the World First in something!! Even if it is something as lame as Covenant grinding
Con Grats? now, do it on all classes. ;D
Wow if finally becoming a game and not a 9-5 job that pays you so little that you actually pay them for the opportunity to work on the grinds.
Mmm i m truly sorry to burst your bubble bro but there are loads of people who has all 4 covenants 80 on oct 18 i think .
Awe shucks Well that still does sound very anecdotal though so I’m going to hold on to my World First until I see hard proof otherwise
You go dude !!
I had an R80 in all four covenants on the day it was possible to reach R80 … Also they are one of each armor type to collect all of the armor set transmogs. Currently 10/16 there…
Hmm weird, not showing up on your achievements. You sure you did all of them?
Is there an actual achievement now for 80 renown with all covs on single char?
It’s pretty silly to think that nobody else hit renown 80 on all 4 covenants considering swapping to a new covenant was always without delay and the renown catchup is basically still the same in 9.1.5 was it was in 9.1.
Where’s the achievement
Not really that silly, it’s a huge grind and I did 24/7 comp stomp and barely got it before the reset.
Nah it actually is that silly. You could hit 80 renown on all four covenants starting three weeks ago.
Wait until renown 120 drops for 9.2. 40 more levels to grind in Chorthia…the not so super secret level next to Korthia but now consists of little floating rocks that requires the use of Kyrian wing falling, flappy bird, and a 400 acre mists maze with Venthyr doors that occasionally drop you into either a nice loot area or a pit of baddies in Torghast with corruption timers
There isnt an achievement for doing all four on one account .
Correct, and it’s very…not sure if “egotistical” is the right word, but it’s quite silly to claim the first in something, both without evidence and after everyone’s already had three weeks.
I guess they thought no one would ever do it so they didn’t bother making an achievement or title. lol
I think a better explanation is “if we made an achievement for this, it would throw even more turds on our original ‘meaningful choice’ mantra and make us look even worse.”
I wouldnt go as far as ego but hey whatever tickles your fancy you should do it and he put his heart and soul reaching to a paoint which he thinks is unique more power to him . Maybe he is new to wow or w/e the point is he aimed at something and he did it and then he was full of joy and he wanted to share it so no harm done .
Sure, no problems proclaiming an accomplishment. “Look at me I did it!”
There is a problem when someone makes a claim without evidence. “Look at me I did it and nobody else did! I’m #1!” Not only is the claim made without evidence, but it potentially diminishes the actual accomplishment achieved by the actual person who did it.
No achievement? Bummer. Ill have it this week. Working my final one now. Should be 70/80 today