World Content Broken Currently Broken

yall are missing the same things lol i swear they’re doing that on purpose, at this point i’iil give up if none of these spwans before season 4

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It’s pretty suspicious this is happening right after the meta mount achievements, and on the cusp of S4. I get they were trying to fix the storms, but how does fixing the storms make it so net spots and WQs have issues?


Whoops! Broken right into the weekend when people were going to get progress.


OK - WTF moment- I was camping Karokta and less than a minute after the emote and little NPC spawn everything phased - all the players, NPCs, everyone but me and a druid waiting on the rare. Sucks, right? But this is at least the 2nd time this happened - I think there was a 3rd, but I was playing HS on my other screen and paying less attention.
Do we think this is tied in with the rest of the glitches, or just the game (and sharding) giving me the middle finger?

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It’s all sharding. They royally screwed us.

The sad thing is, it’s been like that for months. They don’t give a flying pig.


It has been like this more than a few months unfortunately.

The issue of sharding and phasing tech being broken has been an issue since DF beta.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


Sharding was a terrible concept to begin with so even when it’s working properly it’s still awful.


People would like to do the content but simply can not.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

Whether it is stuff phasing out before completion or things not appearing at all, progress has been impossible for alot of us especially since Friday reset. So very frustrating for the weekend :frowning:


I’m not sure. I honestly never tracked them or bothered to notice if it was random or not. There’s only 5 of them so I really don’t get why it would be random to start with.

It’s because the people who design this part of the game are idiots.


I do not think so.

The people that design world quests have no say how phasing and sharding tech is utilized.

In other MMORPGs you can choose which shard or instance you can enter if the one you are trying to enter is full.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

Not to pour salt on the wound, but did the Thunderstorm in Thal or the catalog quest for Pagle drop lately?
I had to work unfortunately and those are still evading me – much like the resetting hunts in Azure! Ka-ching!

No they havent

So here are a couple things i have noticed broken since 4/9 , Fyrrak’s disciple shows up at the suffusion camp, but his anger meter is broken to me so its random.
Tab is not always working for new target and sometimes i have to double click to get a target circle
i am not sure if these things are worth mentioning , but they are aggravating

Someone in my guild says you have to turn on warmode to get Zaralek rares to spawn. But in PvE they won’t or something like that.

I’ve had the tab target thing for a few months (or maybe longer). Almost every time I want to change target I have to click 2 maybe 3 times to swop target. Unfortunately nothing new.