I’m really starting to believe that…
They’re too busy dealing with classic and plunderstorm instead of putting any time in retail
It’s a shame because this meta had renewed my interest in wow at the end of the season but now it’s actively harming my experience.
Seems the Loot Specialist rare on the forbidden reach is bugged into the floor of ‘The Old Weryn Grounds’ twice. Seemingly not spawning anywhere else just to add to this list.
Hope they do something about this soon. It’s frustrating seeing the storm you need be up but not available due to a bug
I only need fire in the plains now and i’m done lol
If it’s not mythic raid, blizzard doesn’t care. Tbh, they don’t really care about mythic raid after week 3, either.
I did this when it popped and got the 200 kills for the achievement. No problems at all.
same, im missing these two, it cannot be a coincidence…
neither thunderstorm in thal, whats happening, this is total rng with bad luck wich we need to wait a month or two?, i lost all my interest in doing this meta achiev
And another non thal thunderstorm. Really draining my appetite to care
Well I don’t care about dreamsurge buffs, but I did ( in azure span , on lightning hoof server) dreamsurge and suffusion camp , simultaneously. Did the frozen heroes world quest , did the assault on the beach quest and completed a Waking dream and killed the Dreamsurge boss , with some help from an alliance druid and did not notice a darn thing missing or have any serious problems with content.
Never bothered to kill a rare or do a elemental storm for inferior gear , nobody needs anymore when you can buy 415 gear with coalescence from the vendor next to Runetotem.
If there is a content problem, it isnt on my server, so I cant help you.
Even the real classic (Era) is getting shafted. It’s only SoD they care about.
wowhead finally has an article up on the storm spawns so maybe we’ll see a fix
Too bad they didn’t mention the lack of cataloging quests.
It’s tied to sharding. No rares spawn on new Zaralek Caverns shards for 45 minutes, usually closer to 50. And you can get shunted to a fresh shard several times an hour, never staying on one long enough to spawn any rares.
Usually when I get bumped it’s to a 5-minute old shard, so there’s at least 40 minutes of dead time during which you get sharded again, etc. ad nauseum.
Just seeing Karokta is a feat of RNG at this point, much less the mount.
Are the fishing holes supposed to have a fixed rotation, or was it always RNG?
People are getting bent out of shape over storms when the fishing holes achievement could easily take months if it’s actually based on RNG. There were some achievements in Shadowlands that took months because the single quest needed never spawned.
I need the rare book from Vaults, one legendary photo, 1 storm, and 1 drop from the Azure Span fishing nets. I imagine it’ll take me a year to get at this rate.
Ahh yes the cursed trio: ThalThunder, NattyP and Grimtusk that we are all facing.
Don’t forget the fishing net areas don’t seem to be swapping.
Shouldn’t The Grand Hunt and Siege on Dragonbane Keep have different rewards?
Did 2 Grand Hunts right before reset on Friday and now I don’t have rewards on any of them. Not done Siege this week on any toons.
Got epic rewards on both Hunts on 2 different toons.