World Buffs and ease of access

Have the SoD team ever thought about making world buffs a little bit easier to obtain? I was discussing with some guildies and it just feels tedious to go around the world for 2-3 hours when buffs are gone to gather up all of them again.
We were discussing how they could possibly implement a small faction vendor that’s an ogre standing at Dire Maul allowing us to gain rep with him some way, and at friendly have a toggle to just walk in and be non-hostile with the mobs inside. As well as at honored sell a TP to dire maul on a CD.
Or possibly each quest between Rend/Dragon buff/ZG buff, each one grants a keyring toy that allows you to give yourself the buff personally on a 1 day or like 3 day timer, ensuring it’s not spammable, but also allowing some sort of leniency so getting WBs is not as much of a chore.
Songflower could be a unique item you have to pick that way you can go get one, use it and boon it, then grab another for safe keeping.
Just a string of thoughts since it seems like they enjoy making SoD less tedious than regular classic and I think this would improve that QoL a LOT!

They did make it easier with the items.
1.)Assign your roster to each bring 2-3 of 1 buff item per raid. Divide them up equally.
2.) Use items first at the start of the raid, anyone who dies and loses them unboons for next boss/bosses.
3.) Once enough people die and lose buffs (or if multiple lose their booned buffs), rebuff with items and have people reboon.

I’ve personally only had to gather world buffs twice this phase. I’m not trying to “gloat” I’m just saying if your guild does it this way, you shouldn’t have to spend as much time gathering world buffs. If you are pugging though, not sure how to help there.

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the war effort currency can be traded for consumable raid wide world buffs and firewater equivalents. they are the same buffs with different names. you can literally AH them

you also get periodic resets on ony, rend, and zg if you turned in the heads.

Said it at least a half-dozen times.

Make WBs a craftable item you learn the recipes by ‘doing the activity’ (ie you do Tribute Run to get the DMT buff recipes).

Elixir of the Songflower [Felwood] {Alchemy}
Sigil of Zandalar [ZG] {Enchanting}
Sigil of the Dragonslayer [Ony/Nef] {Enchanting}
Sigil of the King/Warchief [Rend] {Enchanting}
Sigil of Sayge [DMF] {Enchanting}
Sigil of Moxie [DMT] {Enchanting}
Sigil of Ferocity [DMT] {Enchanting}
Sigil of Savviness [DMT] {Enchanting}

All are non-Boonable and stack in lots of 20 (20; because I’m not a jerk). However, the requirements would be lvl 60 and 300/300 in the profession.

No special materials needed, no special crafting stations. Just do the activity and get the recipe and never need to do it [the activity] again. Plus, you make a fair bit of coin from others who don’t want to spend time doing the activity.

Note: There was a suggestion to include Blacksmithing (probably something like an Arcstone*) and Leatherworking (Drums). I’m cool with other professions getting in on the “craftable buffs” market.

*Arcstone, a new item type for Blacksmiths to craft; much like Grinding Stones. So the naming convention would be “Arcstone of [buff name]”. This would function like the Enchanter’s sigils; just a different name so people can differentiate between the two professions.

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What I’m getting at is more so a personal backup of WB’s that ARE boonable, I’d like to not have to wait for the raid to die to rebuff it up. I enjoy parsing and WBs are necessary for that, and sometimes I’ll pull threat, or whatever mechanic slaughters me, and suddenly I’ll be dead. Then I pop my personal WBs for a fight and the whole raid wipes, then suddenly it’s like “Okay now everyone unboon”… Like okay? I already did that, but it’d be a lot cooler If I didn’t have to worry about it and could just use personal items to rebuff myself ezpz. Illutiankade further down on this post has a good point/mechanic of it though, if they made them craftables, or shoot, even if they made ones for 5 commendations that were personal use instead of raid wide.

Realistically in that scenario if the whole raid wipes you guys should pop the items instead of risk the majority of the raids boons.

I see what you are saying - my raid requires each raider to bring 3 of 1 of the boon items (3 anvils or 3 globes etc) then we switch off who uses them. This way you are only popping 1-2 items tops per week and usually you’ll keep your boons.

theres literally a tp from booty bay to feralas which cuts the time down a ton, this is such a nonissute i cant tell if this post is trolling or not.

sounds more like a skill issue on your end, considering one set of world buffs can last weeks if only used in raids.