World Buff NPC

Clearly you have no idea what you’re talking about. The old client doesn’t result in rampant hacking and theft.

Hell, that’s entirely prevented by the authenticator, which existed back in 2006.

For what it’s worth…

I use add-ons that handle my mailing, so 12 at a time or individually makes no functional difference. I pay the postage fee regardless, but I’d prefer 1 at a time to limit using mailboxes as banks.

I don’t have the new water textures, actually, because I think they look terrible.

In my guild/raid, loot is predetermined and distributed by a master looter directly to the person intended to receive it.

I’m not sure what you mean by setting up a weakaura to tell me when I can perform an action, because I am already more limited by the GCD than I am the 400 ms batching windows. That is entirely server-side and has nothing to do with my own personal input, so I think you were just spouting off some random change without actually understanding it.

As for the client, the only option, as you say, is to not play. Sure, that might work if I didn’t want to play Classic. You understand I can not want something, or not enjoy something about a game and still play it, yeah? If I don’t like the buff limit, I can still play the game and enjoy it, yes?

Just because I utilize any of these changes does not mean I am in FAVOR of them.

There is no hypocrisy. You have absolutely zero idea what that word means, or you are wrongfully interpreting the intent behind using that phrase.

“No changes” is an expression of desire. No one says “you shouldn’t use any of the changes Blizzard made,” they say “Blizzard shouldn’t be making changes.”

And I like how you say “it’s all 'well um, uh, um, uuuuuh. That’s different!” yet I explicitly stated that I was outright against all of those things, and they aren’t different at all.

So what the hell are you even talking about?

Holy hell, you have no idea what you’re talking about, at all.

That comment was made in response to someone asking for vanilla servers. His response was that we think we want that but we don’t because there’s all these changes we actually like that we’d miss.

Yet here I am saying I DON’T WANT THOSE CHANGES, and your argument is that I don’t want vanilla as it was because I’m still playing anyway? That’s such an absurd argument.

You MUST be trolling.

EXACTLY. Jesus Christ.