World buff consumables ruined World PvP

I don’t think English is his first language going by the childish, pidgen insults he hurls.

Play with me more haha. I’ve fought them “solo” before, I had a friend technically helping me by getting me Wildfire buff and was able to one tap them with Sniper Shot. They got wise and discovered what I was doing, but I still hold the W.

They have Alliance toons, they’ll just have a few log into those and kill you there haha.

They’re from China servers. They migrated over when China servers closed. You’ll see a few of them speaking Mandarin(?) in the chat, I have no idea what they’re saying but I screenshotted once and ran it through Google Translate lol. It came back something along the lines of “filthy pig, mentally ill swine.”

I multibox 8 toons, their alli toons can’t really kill my guys depending on which team I am on- I have 48 level 70’s. if I am doing the WQ they need to be split into 2x4, so they are hostile to each other and cleave accordingly.

I am doing the WPVP quests for gold when they are up, as it’s very good ROI for time invested. I get a kick out of ppl thinking they are killing my guys when really my team is killing each other to get the WQ gold reward.

Speaking of world buffs, I witnessed a new one this week that I hadn’t seen before. I say “new” just because I hadn’t seen it. I’m sure some of you already know it.

There’s a shaman I’ve run into a few times lately that’s using a trick from herb gathering where it causes his attackers to become iceblocked. Repeatedly. And because he of course also has the dog, you don’t really have time to do anything before you get deleted.

The best I can do is recognize the name, see him gathering, and avoid confrontation. If confrontation is not avoidable…tips are not required but appreciated.:wink:

Heh, you ran into Chromelander or Conductivity it sounds like. Yeah, Herbalism has a niche little thing they can do when they pick specific herbs that are elementally infused. I forget what the others do, but picking a Ice-infused herb causes anyone who attacks to be stunned. It’s really good for classes who need a little bit of time to set up their AoE one shots. Anyone who attacks will just be stunned, and if they trinket it and attack again, they’ll get stunned again. This continues until the stun is on DR.

There’s no real way to “counter” it except for maybe a Paladin bubble and hope you can kill in that window, or wait the buff out.

No. His name is Shockdome I believe. Enhance. Very aggressive player that shows up to wpvp quests for a reason. Nobody can put him down so we just end up leaving. :rofl:

You must be sharded with different players, I never see you and I’ve never heard of Shockdome haha. Blizzard needs to cut down on the available shards. I’d love to fight the guy you’re talking about on my Survival Hunter.

I’ve only ever seen you once in DF, down at the Dragonscale base camp. But we were both in parties so that’s probably why. Otherwise, I never ever see players from Bleeding Hollow.

This is why people like me go around saying warmode is dead. It’s not literally dead, we just perceive it that way because of the sharding.

EDIT: Shockdome-Daggerspine is the guy.

I have never seen you snow crest, and I play with Alphion sometimes. I always see the bignatures no regret robots though :slight_smile:

Pretty sure you’re sharded with me and all the tich players. I’ve run into you a handful of times.

Yup, I’ve fought you on three of your characters now.

Funny you should mention Tich, because I was gonna say that the very few regular names I do see around are usually from there. And ironically most of them are resto druids, lol.
Our own realm cluster just doesn’t have many pvp’ers.

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There is a dedicated but very small group of regulars I see around a lot on my shards. But most are randoms. And other than that shaman I mentioned above, most don’t even bother with the wpvp buffs.

Add world pvp gear to the list.

No one likes lugging around 2 sets of pvp gear. And running into someone that has farmed a 10 stack vers buff from the set bonus ruins what might otherwise be a fun encounter.

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World PvP gear is fine. Some specs have way better tier sets than others, the world PvP gear helps offset a spec that has garbage class tier set.

If you don’t want to use it, you don’t have to. Some of the best WPvPers I know don’t even use the WPvP tier set and instead go for stat priority because WPvP set isn’t optimal stats for some.

Finally ran into your “friend”. Guy plays guardian with all the buffs you could imagine. I don’t think so Tim, I’m not fighting that. :rofl:

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The guardian druid isn’t the problem… It’s the 3-4 other people he runs with that are. The fire mage, the other guardian/balance druid, and the hunter or healer, who are also all buffed up

I had to get creative on my Hunter to kill them. They don’t like me lol

Ah, he was alone when I saw him. I’ll have to keep an eye out then.

They are using the hearthstone table to exploit sometimes, report if you see it.

These guys have nothing better to do than sit in the quest area for hours- quite the life! They love trying to grief horde as well by trying to reset the quest elite if there is one active.

Before I knew about the world buffs, I had to assemble a team of five people to kill one demon hunter who had been camping a WQ so no alliance could do it.