World buff consumables ruined World PvP

I mean you’re the one alt posting

How is he alt posting? Huh? Unless you’re talking about me, in which case, I only posted on my Hunter and I made that very clear that it was me, I’m not trying to pretend to be another person lol.

Only posted on my Hunter in case you were to say something along the lines of, “of course you can solo pvp, you’re a healer!” in some attempt to discredit me :crazy_face:

I do solo WPvP on my survival too.

the solution has been clear for at least 10 years now, wow needs a Hero Buff, this is how this work:

in a fight 10v1 the 1 gets a massive buffs that reduce all damage taken by (1-1/10 = ) 90% and increase all damage/healing done by (1-1/10 = ) 90% and it should be proportional to the difference of numbers always, for example on a 2v5 the 2 should get a buff that reduce all damage taken and increase all damage/healing done by (1-2/5 = ) 60%

so the math is extremely simple jet efective is always:

  • (1 - SmallerGroupCount / LargerGroupCount) * 100%

even if your group is only you, you could be the solo hero able to keep a fair fight against 10+ nobs

The buffs are fine, any individual player as Alph stated can get them and it’s not even a lot of work with the only “hassle” being the centaur rep on alts if you don’t boost.

I would argue as it stands you are putting yourself at a disadvantage by not having buffs since a lot do these days; so whining about people “cheating” or whatever is rather silly.

My issue is what was mentioned earlier is that if you join a group, the buffs should go away and not be allowed as it promotes nonsense with groups of 5 and even more from holding world quests hostage without giving “most” folks even a chance to defend themselves.

This person is mostly right. Normal World PVP Buffs are fine and can actually make WPVP more fun and exciting than Random BGs, however the Bakar companion is terrible and unfair. Nothing in this game should be able to take you from 100% HP to dead without interaction.

As it stands, you cannot react to the Bakar companion and if you do not possess one yourself then the other player is unbeatable. Regardless of the ability to use one, this is bad game play design and should be corrected.

If you are referring to the Bakar companion as being “fine” then you are completely wrong. Normal stat buffs, items (volatile embers, engi boots/gliders), food buffs, potions, etc. are all good but not being able to react d/t being one shot makes the entire interaction and combat scenario pointless.

You can easily react to the bakar companion. There’s a buff that’s applied on both the player with the bakar and the bakar itself. It’s a 6 second buff that will copy all the damage the player does in that time frame and then the bakar will unleash it.

If the bakar is CC’ed or doesn’t have a target to cast it on when the 6 seconds is over (if you CC or feign death when it’s at 1 second or something) then the bakar won’t deal the stored damage.

You can easily get an addon that tracks buff/debuffs and add Fatal Bite to it that will tell you how long it’s up for. It’s very easy to counter.

It’s crazy that people don’t know about this and say it can’t be reacted to when you literally have 6 seconds to react to it. That’s a long time for a PvP fight.

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It’s much easier to just “complain on the forums” than researching or simply looking into how to at least get yourself on par or not behind the 8 ball. Preparation is key, and sure sometimes you will not always be 100% buffed when you get jumped, being “mad” that you are not able to compete/have these buffs is pretty silly at this point in the expansion.

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ITT: People who have no skill want to keep the busted ability to one shot and cannot be convinced otherwise.

Guys, it’s so simple; just CC the Bakar companion on top of the player while they pump damage into you while they have their own CC abilities. Truly transcendent thinking.

This is coming from the person who’s saying you can’t react fast enough in 6 seconds. Sounds like you’re the one with no skill.

Also, I don’t even use the Fatal Bite ability on my Hunter. I use the howl which is way better. I only use the Fatal Bite on my Priest because 50% increased damage isn’t going to do much for my Discipline Priest. If I want to kill people, especially other healers, I need double the burst potential lol.

It’s very simple yeah. You cc the bakar companion or feign/vanish/shadow meld. How many PvPers are running Night Elves now a days anyway? MDI and AWC proved how busted night elf racial is given how many people are running Night Elf lmao

EDIT: You literally main a Night Elf restoration druid. You’re telling me you can’t Shadow Meld a Fatal Bite at the end of 6 seconds? No stun? No cyclone? Hibernate? What about Ursol’s Vortex and outrange it? It’s a 40 yard range. You got Entangling Roots too. You’re making excuses here lol

Got it, so you do use the companion and want to keep it because it’s busted. Thank u, next.

Got it, so your reaction speed is worse than a sloths. See you next time.

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It’s not that black and white. Just today I lost a 1v1 with my dog out. I made the mistake of picking a fight with an elemental shaman next to a body of water LOL. Basically I just got outplayed.

Nobody’s going to deny that the dog and Fatal Bite is OP. It absolutely is. But it doesn’t guarantee that you’re this unstoppable juggernaut that wins everywhere you go.

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It does when you are helpless and have an easier time raging on the forums than getting that centaur rep up :slight_smile:

I agree I was being a little disingenuous in saying that they’re unbeatable, but I still think the companion is unhealthy for the game and actually disincentivizes World PVP. I just end up leaving the area at that point.

Addressing issues does not equal “raging” on the forums, and this trite response with no logic supporting your opinion just further reinforces the fact that this ability needs to not work on players.

When you think of World PvP you think of quick, sudden action to fight and flaunt beyond the confines of structured queue-oriented or timed-event engagements.

While these buffs are great for farming, qorld quest spamming and otherwise applicable having them be so powerful for open world PvP entices you to perform a similar setup to queuing for the same experience.

War mode can be toggled; I don’t want the same feeling as getting dressed for work for a gameplay esthetic that relies on sudden impact for excitement but I also understand from a development perspective you can’t make buffs redundant.

Personally making the open world PvE any easier is laughable to me; PvP centric buffs exist regardless but might need a tweak to allow reduction of efficacy in combat with other players like the iLvl of our PvP gear does in the opposite direction.

Being powerful is fun! Being powerful because of alacrity and capability is fun that includes the relative functions of playing and learning the game. Being powerful by hitting 1 button and keking back to Orgrimmar is exciting for the first few moments then leaves you wanting more or frustrated when you can’t 1 slap your enemy. It also degrades queue-based activities moreso and if you’d reckon the whole ‘get dressed’ for maximum content in open world PvP’s direction it’s probably a centralized idea to make it similar in relation to the alternative queueable gameplay available from core PvP.

It’s a little too powerful even though the buffs are not the hardest to acquire. I don’t think blanket removal is always the key but in this case it could work. Either “This buff is muted in PvP combat” or otherwise reduced by a percentage would be interesting to see.

Just my take; I haven’t read all of the responses.

You were being disingenuous in more ways than one. First in saying that they’re unbeatable and second that you somehow can’t react to it even though you’re given 6 seconds to react to it.

You just need to know what to look out for in the same sense that you need to know what’s someone’s big DPS cooldowns so that you can effectively use your defensive CDs.

Also I think you mean to say the Fatal Bite ability from the companion in specific is unhealthy for the game.

There’s deadlier things than Bakar companion’s Fatal Bite and once you go down the rabbit hole of world PvP buffs and items you start to realize Fatal Bite is the least of your worries because of how easy it is to counter. I’m not advocating for it to stay — I mean at this point it’s too late, we’re going into next expansion and it’s not following us into TWW because it can only be used in Dragon Isles. All I’m saying is it wasn’t as bad as you make it out to be.

Try countering a guardian bear with over 3M health who can bear bomb you (fall damage + momentum boots) and hit you for well over 1.6M damage AoE. Try countering an MM hunter who can sniper shot you for 1.2M in one spell. Fatal Bite is the least of your worries.

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Ruby feast is so easily accessible.

It sounds like this is more of an issue with players insulating themselves from risk by just forming excessively large groups. Like when you have a small raid of people camping the starting location in waking shore. The buffs aren’t really the problem here.
A bigger issue is that a lot of people will just relog when they get a bounty.

I mean isn’t that how it should be though? Like all things being equal, you shouldn’t really expect to wipe a group with fewer players.
On that note though, stacking buffs really works to the advantage of smaller groups. If you’re already losing because you’re outnumbered, one of the best ways to even the odds is to stack buffs so you have a better chance of winning a 1v3 or whatever.

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I appreciate all the comments everyone. I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees this. I am a Wpvp addict and have been doing it since forever. BFA was the best era for it, and I can hands down say that WPVP right now is the absolute worst it has EVER been.

There are MM hunters, Sub Rogues, Devokers just 1 shotting people with a single ability all because of world buffs that are too easily acquired.

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Probably a good idea for you :slight_smile:

I personally don’t even use fatal bite on my SP right now anyway. It’s strong, but it can be avoided as you have highlighted. I just wish they would make it so you lose all your buffs if you group up :slight_smile: (Since it promotes groups picking on solo players or whatever.)

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Eh, I disagree. Only good thing about BfA was Sliver of N’Zoth, other than that you had people running 98% Versatility with Corruption or one shotting people with maxed out Twilight Devastation (all of which were RNG, you couldn’t target the corruption and needed to do PvE for gear) and people running around purposely with worse gear and no sockets because scaling made those who were weaker, stronger than those with gear. To top it off, you had raid groups like RUIN crashing the server whenever they wanted to shard in 2-3 raid groups.

Not exactly “best era.”