World Boss World Quest

Joined a group for the world boss but could not do the world quest. The mobs would gray out even though it was only my 40 man group hitting them. It was like they weren’t set up for a raid group to attack them

I also didn’t get credit for it. The raid boss doesn’t show up on my list as having been killed either. Wonder if it is buggeD?

I did it 4 times, in WM mode I was about to get the 3/3 patrol, but I can’t get the boss kill credit in a raid. Might try WM mode again later.

You need to do it in a regular party, seems bugged.

I did the week one world boss on 5 characters with no drops. I’ve done week 2 on 6 characters with no drops, plus my priest just can’t complete the quest for some reason. These drop rates and quest bugs really need some work. There’s absolutely no reason i should go 0/11 on getting something from a weekly fight.