Working As Intended? Skipping So Much Content

Hurrying to finish Pathfinder because I HATE Skygliding! Ordinarily, I like to clear out a quest hub before moving to the next and that’s how I started War Within, but after a few hours of needing to use gliding to circumvent sheer cliff faces, dead ends, and ridiculously long ways around, I decided to skip all the side quest and focus on the main campaign. I suspect that a lot of the players who raced to 80 and unlocked Classic Flight did the same thing.
Congratulations, Devs. In your myopic crusade to replace Classic Flight with your racing mini-game, you encouraged the bad behavior you claimed to be trying to avoid. Well done. Using Skyglidibg is killing my arms, but I’ll finish this and never touch it again.
Maybe I’ll go back and complete those skipped quests, maybe I won’t. Race to max level isn’t fun and I’m already way past burnt-out with the current development team’s design philosophy.
Oh, and anyone who insists that TWW is ground-mount-friendly is a blasted liar. You don’t even get out of Dornogal before you figure out that Ion and his flying monkeys really intend for you to use Dragngliding and love it. I hope Blizzard’s new bosses are paying attention and decide to make some long overdue staffing changes.


Nothing to say here. Just editing so people don’t keep responding to incorrect information.

Skill issue. Skyriding is easy and fun, and it is the way.


I honestly don’t understand what peoples’ problem with Skyriding/Dragonriding is. It’s honestly been the best QOL feature added since Transmog.

It’s not even comparable to having no flight available for the first half of an entire expansion.


No. Besides the people who claim to have unlocked it here on the forums, I’ve seen people using Steady Flight ingame.

Thats good at least. I don’t have much left myself than I can steady fly unless I’m in dawnbreaker.

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You could complete Pathfinder on the first day of early access if you wanted. :rofl: I finished on the 2nd day and haven’t used Sky Riding since.


Yeah I must have misunderstood what people where talking about earlier in the week or maybe they just missed some of the criteria.


What skill do I need to learn to avoid Motion Sickness?
Settings do help, but not solve the problem.

I did the same and I’m now going back through the zones, amazing what I missed pushing Campaigns to get to Steady Flight (for motion sickness)

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Motion sickness is not what OP was referring to, and it was not what I was responding to.

Killing your arms?

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Yeah he uses this weird motion sensor things so he has to flap to skyride.

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i had no idea 10 apm kills your arms, that’s wild.

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I’m not 80 and have static flying, seems your jibe at people ‘racing to 80’ was misplaced, I hope they accept your apology.

How inane. It’s never a skill issue. It’s always a fun issue, or rather, a lack of fun issue.


I’m convinced they never figured out to point up during Skyward Ascent and/or blow their charges too quickly. The only people I know IRL who had problems with it had these two problems, and after coaching them through it they now love it.


Exactly! I can Sky Ride just fine I simply choose not to because I find it more annoying than fun.


I know some complaints were because people couldn’t just auto-run in flight and step away, Skyriding actually requires input.


You take your main do the campaign, skip side quests, get PF done by level 77-78, then get your flying glyphs and flight points, do a few delves/wq’s whatever and you’ll be 80 within the a few hours.

Take alt #1 through and do all the side quests and get the entire story.

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This is the OP opening statement :

I hate Skyriding too! Why, it gives me motion sickness. You say it’s a skill issue, not for me.

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