Working 1 button pet macro?

Currently using this:

/cast [mod]Revive Pet; [@pet,dead]Revive Pet; [nopet]Call Pet; Mend Pet

Only problem is, if my pet has been dead long enough for it’s portrait to disappear, then it will try to call pet, wasting a global and failing. Anyone have a fix for this problem?

I’ve been using this macro since the start of TBC without any trouble.

/use [@pet,nodead,exists] Mend Pet
/stopmacro [@pet,nodead,exists]
/use [@pet,dead,exists] Revive Pet
/castsequence reset=2 Call Pet, Revive Pet


Idk I just use different hotkeys for these things.

Seems to work, thanks.

I’m not sure why you have to use macros to make this game boring and faceroll, it’s already easy enough. You do you though.

Nevermind, still doens’t work

Just play the game normally.

I don’t have the space on my bars

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It’s literally a heal / res / call pet macro. How the hell is the game funner by having those 3 spells bound to different keys? If you’re using 1 you’re not using the others obviously.

Macros are a normal part of the game lol. What do you even mean? You’re just having a sook for the sake of it.


Macros are as normal as it gets. There’s even a nice, little UI function to set these up - just like hotkeys. Or are you still playing the game “normally” and clicking?


You probably back pedal and click every ability huh?


I use GSE Mod for macros Makes Life so easy.

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