Work on 9.2 has been halted

Narration. History. Story. Probably a story.
What are the Horde players singing about? What do they expect from the story?

No, I’m just getting into someone else’s conversation.

I don’t know what the horde wants. I can only speak for myself. I take the story as it comes. Whatever happens, happens.

Others expect rewards for suffering.
The Horde sings about a double villainous beat, about the absence of the Horde on the cosmology map and in a “neutral” narrative. And it seems that their suffering is not mentioned (Undercity?).

Are you ready to give the Horde a third villainous bat?

what does this have to do with wow story tho

What exactly?

Afrasiabi is not the only person who harassed women at Blizzard. He’s named specifically on the document probably because his removal from the company was noticed by a significant amount of people and the accusations against him give the court case more attention and credibility. If what they claim about him is false, he can sue for slander and defamation of character which is not something the US government wants to deal with. A state is very unlikely to accuse people of harassment if they’re unable to prove it in court. It’d be a big waste of resources.

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Wait - is every Night Elf Poster the same now?

Anyway, if Night Elf Posters are all the same, maybe they aren’t always right, and people point out when they are wrong, which happens to be often.

For example - even you acknowledge they are wrong:

So like, within a few posts of defending Night Elf Posters as right… even you have to point out they were wrong.

Honestly, I always thought you tried to differentiate yourself from posters like Ethriel/Elesana, but if you want to lump yourself in with that, be my guest. Try defending them as right - you will only end up acknowledging they are wrong after a few posts.

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Kyalin has stated before that Ethriel is wrong IIRC.

I know they have. Which is why I find it odd that they of all people would lump all Night Elf Posters together, when they have often agreed that the more irrational Night Elf Posters detract from legitimate concerns.

It is hilarious to see them initially suggest Night Elf Posters are somehow beyond ever being wrong and should be apologized to… only to later in the same thread point out that the Poster they were defending is in fact, wrong.

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People of a group can be the same yet different at the same time though, in various ways. Take Horde posters, for example. The same goes for nearly any group.

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I disagree. I know it is against the ToS to name folks, but I dont even lump all Night Elf Posters together.

There are about 10 I can think of and they run a spectrum. Drahliana says things I agree with often factually - Anya says things I agree with comedically. Kat has the opposite opinion of me but in a balanced way that we kind of agree alot in a sort of opposite way.

I guess I differentiate the Trolling low level Night Elf Forum Posting Alts (NEFPAs) from the more discussion oriented Night Elf Posters. Same as I would differentiate a Trolling Blood Elf Posting Alt like Erevien from a more discussion oriented Blood Elf Poster like Baal.

MHPs though… they are all the same.


So, they got accused of piling work on women and playing CoD instead and decided to… stop working in protest. Makes you think.

I call out people when they are wrong for what they get wrong. A person being wrong about one thing does not make them wrong about everything.

Does Ethriel exaggerate and invent facts? Yes - and she needs to stop doing that, like yesterday.

Is the general tenor of her pessimism and narrative that the Night Elves have been comprehensively screwed therefore wrong? No.

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If we include the fact that because of the burning of Teldrassil innocent Night Elf souls were not only sent to Wow hell to suffer for eternity but also got obliterated to then yeah it kinda trumps anything else that happened in Wow’s setting. Blizzard just took a massive S*%t all over the NE playerbase because no matter how many meaningless wins the Night Elves get, not other race has the shame of having their civilians afterlives f^*d over.


Ethriel everyone here knows your just mad about your night elves and could care less about anything else.

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The Alliance literally sends Horde civillians into the void to have their souls corrupted and kill civilians while the afterlife is broken as well.

But you don’t see blizzard putting in quests to rescue Frank the goblin who got murdered for the crime of being a waiter at Gallywix’s place.


Since when does the void corrupt souls?

Also it’s pretty basic logic- more civilians killed-> more in the Maw-> more obliterated forever. Considering the scale of Teldrassil, I doubt there is an equal to the number of night elf civilians in the Maw.

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Yea that happened to a lot more races in the maw than just the night elves by the way. Also players saved far more night elves from the maw than were destroyed there. There is also the possibility that all of this can be undone at the sepulcher of knowledge.

Wow. I haven’t been paying much attention to the game lately but I heard about the allegations that were made. I however had no idea it had gotten to this point. Damn. It’s unfortunate but sexual harassment is wholly unacceptable. A bunch of corporate f**k boys who don’t know how to act or how to treat women with respect have probably ruined this for everyone. Great…