Work on 9.2 has been halted

This is all your speculation, rather than what our experience has actually been in-game. I have no time or patience for optimistic predictions about what may happen. I am concerned with what HAS happened.

Night elves are still a part of the game and the playerbase. Their story is not over. They are very much involved in the SL story right now and I think very big things are going to happen with Elune and the night elves too. I don’t think its fair to say they don’t want night elves a part of the game because they still are.


Then what do you think they are going to do with Elune going forward? It sure seems to me Elune is about to be revealed to us and big things are going to happen when she is.

Which may not translate to good things for the Night Elves as a playable race. I think people are assuming that it will, but that is against Blizzard’s track record.


TBC and SL drop-off have been significant. If the earnings call isn’t grim, then the whales have really been overtiming it in the online store. I don’t expect WoW or Blizzard to fold. Kinda holding out hope that maybe they’ll take some time to restructure and refocus—turn this absolute maelstrom of rancid feces that has been building over the past year into an impetus for something positive, like finding their way back to the path.


They are actively driving Night Elf players away from the game and they have removed pretty much everything the Night Elves ever owned in the lore. It also affects the gameplay because they have no home anymore, darkshore is a Horde zone 50% of the time etc.

Their story pretty much ended with the obliteration of their souls in the maw.

Not really. They were just there to forgive Sylvanas, to learn that Elune is no longer on their side and that she abandoned them, and to learn that there’s no hope for them because their souls are obliterated in the maw. So no mass revival or anything.

The Elune that abandoned the Night Elves multiple times? Call me interested.

The Night Elves are dead and their souls were destroyed in the maw, there’s no coming back from that.

They hardly are, their zones and home are gone (only Darkshore left which ingame isn’t even accessible 50% of the time), their people were wiped out and their souls obliterated in the maw and their goddess abandoned them entirely.

No, they don’t have a future in the game. You may have been hopeful in BfA as a Night Elf Player but Shadowlands should’ve taught you once and for all.

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So how much longer are you going to keep playing the game since you seem to be completely convinced night elves are done for?

By the way, when you say things like “their souls obliterated in the maw” and “their goddess abandoned them” that is why I say you’re being over dramatic and emotionally driven by this whole thing. You cannot say Elune has abandoned the night elves over what happened in the Tyrande vs Sylvanas scene. You have no full context of that situation. Also there were only a small amount of night elf souls “obliterated in the maw” but when you said it you made it sound like they all were.


At this moment in time, that may well end up being the case.

It is premature to decide the NE are all doomed and without a home. For all we know, the next expansion could be a time lapse where Teldrassil has magically been regrown by the help of Elune and the Winter Queen; or after a long enough time lapse it happened naturally.


I can say it over that because she chose Sylvanas over Tyrande and her people. Just like when she stood by and watched when her people went into the maw and their souls were getting tortured and obliterated. Even Bwonsamdi saved his people.

Most of them were. Around 1000 Night Elves died in Teldrassil, now count those in Ashenvale and Darkshore too that were entire zones wiped out. We only saved around a hundred of them. So way more than 90% of them were obliterated in the maw.

Yea but not as long as the writers are actively hateful towards the race and as long as Blizzard tries to drive the Night Elf playerbase away from the game.

There’s no reason to assume such absurdity when Night Elves only ever have tragic or negative things happen to them.

The writers are not actively hateful towards the race. Just because you feel that way doesn’t give you the right to apply that perspective to the writers of the story. Again, you are lying when you say “around 90% of them were obliterated in the maw.” THAT IS NOT TRUE! You want it to be true because it fuels your emotionally charged narrative of “Blizzard hates night elves.”

Again, you seem completely unhappy with this game and its story. You’re posting on the forums which leads me to believe you have an active sub. You have said insanely harsh things about the company and yet having an active sub directly supports them. If you are this upset over the game, why are you still here? Why do you continue to say the same emotionally charged things over and over and over again all over this story forum? We get it. You hate Sylvanas. You hate Blizzard. You hate the story and how its presented night elves. You sound like a broken record at this point.


Not around 90%, more than 90%.

90% of those that died at Teldrassil were obliterated in the maw from the numbers that we have plus those that died in Ashenvale and Darkshore.

You refusing to accept the actual canon numbers that we have doesn’t change anything about that fact.

Please show me in game proof that 90% or more of the night elf souls from Teldrassil were obliterated in the Maw.


I already did, you refused to accept it.

Around 1000 Night Elves died at Teldrassil, we didn’t save them from burning alive, that’s a fact and we had a quest about that.
Many more died in Ashenvale and Darkshore, those were entire heavily populated zones that were wiped out. Go check out the War of Thorns if you don’t know that.

In the Ardenweald campaign, we saved around 100 Night Elf souls in total. 80 in a campaign chapter and <20 in seperate quests.

100/1000 = 0.1 → 10%

So we saved 10% of those that died in Teldrassil, meaning that 90% plus those that died in Ashenvale and Darkshore were not saved from the maw and they were obliterated, since those few that we saved were in the exact place where the Jailer forges souls into weapons.
We also know that from the maw intro, go and play that again if you forgot.

If you don’t understand this or refuse to accept it I’m done here.

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That an inherently sexist dev culture is hateful to WoW’s premiere matriarchal society isn’t a terrible surprise.

Ethriel’s accounting is wrong, but that doesn’t undo how the Night Elves were treated.


I have a hard time believing you’re done here.

That is not proof that over 90% of night elf souls were obliterated in the Maw. That is an assumption. I have mentioned to you before that we had (and I think still have) a weekly quest where you literally go into the maw and save night elf souls. The context of that quest is to let the player know that you are continually saving night elf souls from the maw that were thought to be otherwise lost. I did that quest every week and honestly I think I saved more night elf souls from the maw than were actually there. The whole idea behind all of this is that you in fact SAVE most of the night elf souls from the maw, not the other way around. Most of them are not obliterated. Most of them are not still in the maw. Be reasonable about this and try not to put your emotions before the truth.

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@Aerisala , I’ll try it differently. What does the Horde expect from its narrative?

You want to say hateful but this is a story and its not always going to be rainbows and butterflies. Have you ever looked into any of the draenei lore? Go to the bone wastes in Terrokar forests and look how many skulls you see surrounding Auchidoun. Do you think the devs were being hateful towards the draenei? Imagine playing burning crusade for the first time as a draenei and going there for the first time. Teldrassil is nothing compared to that.


What narrative? I don’t recall you replying to me or asking me anything here. Did I miss something?

Burning Crusade - Draenei “entry”. Any horror that happened then is taken for granted.