Worgen Weapons

Should be able to be transmogged away until them just using their claws, right? We keep it an option as there is some precedent to werewolves using weapons;

But in general like. If you’ve daggers for fingers you probably don’t need to use actual daggers.

On this note Worgen should be able to use their normal form for both Bear and Cat form as well. Because like there are extra special werebear and werecat druid forms and what about the preexisting werewolf form you already have?


You’re forgetting that they’re polite English Werewolves that would think it unseemly to dirty up their claws fighting like an absolute beast! The nerve!


I have drawn umbrage at worgen with weapons for years.

Use your claws and teef!



You could play monk…

You guys use weapons too.
Though nothing about monk screams werewolf.


You should’ve posted this in General Discussion.
I don’t think it gets much attention here.

You should play darkstalkers sometime.

While I get the idea, and as a ranged hunter this hardly affects me, it must be said: fighting with your claws looks cool if the target is another humanoid but when we fight something like a magma elemental I suddenly would lose the will to scratch it with my bare hands

don’t you put that evil on me, ricky bobby

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We have a whole barehand class already.

It would be cool to hide weapons regardless of class or race, honestly.

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Should’ve gotten a universal “hide weapon” weapon with their heritage quest. Then again, they didn’t even get a good heritage set so that might have been too big of an ask.


The Garou of White Wolf use knives and g uns. Sometimes laced with silver if they’re using them against each other. The guy in the video is using a club.

Besides people are pretty pissed as they are now about not seeing their gear in some forms.

Hence why I said we’d keep it as an option.

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Worgen should be able to transmog away their weapons.

Feral/Guardian worgen druids should just be able to use their worgen form. The move sets still work for a worgen. The only thing I see as an issue is missing the visual que for being in or out of shape shift form.


i know the thread is for worgen but i would appreciate never having to use a staff mog again. having a stick strapped to your back which you never use just feels dumb to me.

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Dirty bastards. Ratkin 4 Lyfe.

I wish more two handed hammers were like the Silver Hand Artefact and used the staff attack animation

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