"Worgen tails aren't lore friendly"

So Demon Hunters are Neo after Agent Smith blinds him?

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Eh, that ones actually more divided than you think. There’s a lot of fantasy werewolves that don’t have tails, Van Helsing movie ones don’t I don’t think and those were some of the best looking Werewolves in Hollywood. Decent amount of ‘old folklore’ about how Witches that shapeshift wouldn’t have tails where normal Werewolves would, etc. It’s really just stylistic choice, but when it comes to player choice and character customization Worgen should have the option.

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There’s multiple megathreads at least two and explain to me how Worgens not having tails breaks the lore what single piece of lore says that Worgens cannot have tails

The people who wrote them and say they don’t have tails.

Moving on.

Christie Golden is a senior writer at Blizzard, and what she says is canon. I am open to it changing, but you have to acknowledge the current lore.

She’s not even in the talks to decide what/where the story goes or what races do or don’t have, sorry. if you want to go with “What was written is canon” Then Worgen have tails, there’s tons of printed copies that have that in the books.


She isn’t the one who decides what’s canon, but she would not be able to say what she says without Blizzard approval. If she said something wrong, someone else would have corrected it.

Would you mind giving me examples of which other books have worgen with tails?

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Before the storm, plenty of printed copies out there that people have - worgen have tails. That’s the problem with your stance for the argument, if it’s printed = canon because she’s a ‘senior writer’ then they have tails, despite whatever may be said afterwards. Which is why, going with the thoughts of who actually created worgen and who like say made the OFFICIAL concept art for playable worgen having tails and such is better.


I asked you for other books besides Before the Storm. Word of God always supersedes old lore, since it’s Blizzard’s IP.

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You actually didn’t specify.

Not aware of what this “Word of God” is.

Either way, original concept art for playable Worgen had tails. So I guess that’s that. Non-playable worgen can stick to all having no tails, playable worgen all with since you want to go that route.

Hey Meezah wanna get into voice chat?!?

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I asked you:

“Other,” in this case, means “other than Before the Storm,” since in a previous conversation, I mentioned that it was in Before the Storm.

This passage isn’t canon.

Word of God is when an author, or anyone else with authority, makes a statement about their own work, even when it’s not written there.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I fully support Worgen having the tails as a customization option, and even adding tails to NPC worgen. I just recognize that they currently have no tails in lore.

You didn’t specify.

Previous conversation with someone else, and again I already said your whole argument was a poor argument anyways. :3

Who decided that, exactly? Was it the Original Concept art for playable Worgen person, or someone else?

Ah, so my side wins then since the original Concept Artist for playable Worgen had them with tails? Good.

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This seems like such an odd thing to get so passionate about and debate lore left and right
while ignoring what people the actual writers are saying.


The entire freaking writing team and it was missed in editing. Was literally said to everyone and comes straight from Blizzard, who specifically tells their writers what to say.

You need to let this go. You’re wrong. Doness is right.

I wouldn’t continue with them. You’ll get nowhere.

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Wrong, original concept artist for playable Worgen disagrees. Their own original statement was that “Senior Writer” gets to decide, even though that was only for Genn in the first place and not for playable Worgen. Also, notice how your source is lacking~ Shocker

As usual, Rhielle.

Not wrong. Worgn don’t have tails. Even the freaking people who argue this constantly on this forum know this is the truth. It’s literally been posted everywhere. No one but you tries to use this old bad argument.

Move on. Find a better argument. This one fails all around.

The playable races currently don’t, but in WoW lore, the playable Worgen did. Hence the original concept artist had them drawn with tails.

Know what has been posted everywhere? Original concept art for playable Worgen, maybe you’ve seen it? Both images had tails.

As usual, Rhielle the “Rules for thee but not for me”.

so like, i googled worgen concept art, and saw things that man was not meant to see but, i saw only ONE pic of a worgen with a tail on them, it was a post of an edited worgen model on these forums from a couple years ago and the context was people telling them worgen don’t have tails. Literally what is this debate?

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I’m talking about your book argument, not some original artwork. Which is why I said “find a better argument.” Because the book argument falls flat.

Keep up with what’s being talked about.