Worgen still need work - solid true black fur, posture for males, tails, paladins and monks

Ignore all that, and just Fix the clipping…

If I could get black fur, tail options, and be able to be a monk, i’d play more alts on the alliance.

I don’t like humans/gnomes/elves/draenie and pandas are ok.

I like worgen the best for alliance.

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Well, if you roll a female worgen, you can already have black fur! That’s pretty cool. It doesn’t even have randomly white hands and feet/paws. Sure it’s not the best, but I’d settle for something that looks exactly like that on males. I’d be perfectly happy with that.

If you want to have black fur on a male, though, that’s still a no, and it looks like Blizzard wants to keep it that way.

More orc customizations? 'Cause we need those…

I wonder when anything new for worgen and/or humans might appear. Here’s hoping it does at some point, but I’m losing hope.

A morning bump.

Did some calculations regarding the total number of customization options currently available in the WowHead Shadowlands dressing room.


  • 13 different options to customize
  • 124 total choices available to choose from


  • 15 different options to customize
  • 112 total choices available


  • 6 different options to customize
  • 89 total choices available (30 of which are JUST eye colors)

This hardly seems fair.


Really nuts when you put the numbers together.

I feel like they are justifying the lack of new options for the Worgen models with the “you get ALL of the new human customization options now!” feature.

While it’s cool that Worgen will be getting all of the new human options, I think the Worgen form needs more options as well, since that’s the form Worgen players will spend the most amount of time in.

Meanwhile, it looks like they mostly just want to give female Blood Elves “MoAr JeWeLrY oPtIoNs LoLoLoLuLz,” because you know, why give Blood Elves things like eye runes, scars, beards, mustaches, anything for male Blood Elves, or address races lacking in new options like Worgen or Goblins?

Not that I don’t want the new datamined female Blood Elf jewelry options to be added, but come on, how about more stuff that most people really want like scars for all races (and separating scars from faces and skin colors for humans, Worgen, and Kul Tirans), more options for races like Worgen and Goblins, tattoos/warpaint for all races, etc.


I want to request golden and yellow fur shades to resemble a golden retriever!!

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Feels like a pretty small ask.


I don’t see any reason why male Worgen can’t get a solid black fur color option.


This was datamined at the start of SL alpha. Checked retail three or four times to see if this was new or old. This looks like it’s a solid color to me

https:// media.discordapp. net/attachments/656413975512088586/697881880586092603/EVJN90XUcAIfrX9 .png



Well, we still have until 2021 to see something extra being done for worgen.

Yeah, I heard about that datamined fur color…

But I have never seen it on a model and it apparently isn’t a player option in the alpha. It makes me worried it’s some kind of NPC only thing…

Still doesn’t look terribly true/dark black to me, but I guess it’s at least a little darker than the slate grey I’ve always had to use and pretend was “black.” I’d have to see it on a model to really know.

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Might find out more tomorrow…

Looks like on WoWhead that there are some potential things listed for new hair styles of some kind for worgen, maybe?

That’s sure not much, but I guess it could be neat.

Gah, I just want that black fur if nothing else.


It looks like some of the options were renamed

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Wow, how exciting. >.>

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Looks like they’re winding down on new customization options. The only “new” thing added in today’s build is a blindfold option for non-DH male Night Elves.

I’m going to call it now. We’ve probably seen all of the new Worgen customization options that we’re ever going to see for a long time.

Further, it’s looking more and more likely that Kul Tirans, humans, and Worgen are never going to get to choose scars separately from face options.

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