Worgen: Please give us a a way to turn back into human after combat

Just like dracthyr can.


Don’t you just have to click on an icon to change back to human form?

Humans are weak. Embrace your inner canine. Join us.


Yes but Worgen can’t set it to automatically turn into the boring human form like Drakthyr can.


you all deserve it, Blizzard owe you all that much for playing that race for that long


It’s not automatic like dracthyr’s is though. And dracthyr can use some abilities in visage form whereas worgen can’t attack/heal/enter into combat as a human.

I prefer having the choice personally. I mean, its just a button click.

But if they are in human form and are attack, they automatically go to Worgen. Still, it would be nice to have an option to have one or the other, and to be able to do some stuff in human form.

Yeah, that’s what I am saying lol

I’d much prefer if they removed the human form altogether, if you want it so.

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No, leave Worgens as they are. For we are cursed and dont deserve happiness.

as much as i like the theme of worgen too many helmets look horrible on them…

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I’d like to not shapeshift into a human whenever I zone into an arena.

A tail would also be nice. :wolf:

A tail is all I ask. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

They really should make this an option for worgens. I loved the feature for Dracthyr and I would enjoy worgen even more with it too. And it doesn’t affect gameplay. I think they should also allow players to create two different transmogs between human form and worgen form. There are a great majority of awesome transmog sets that work well on humans, but just fit awkwardly on the worgen model. With a dual transmog option for human form and worgen form, you could fully enjoy both forms. Just two cosmetic changes that I believe would bring a greater amount of player base love to the worgen race. (The two features that’ve kept me from sticking with a worgen).