Worgen: Outlaw vs Assassination

Which one makes the most sense as far as like, lore?
I enjoy them both. I am just asking for opinions., thanks. <3

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Personally I love the idea of werewolf pirates, but a worgen assassin can work. You don’t like sub?

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I haven’t really messed with that one much actually :o

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The idea of sneaky werewolves never really appealed to me, but among the 3 rogue specs I’d probably vote for Outlaw.

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Dog Ninja vs Dog Pirate, go!!!


outlaw its the 1 to be :slight_smile:

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I vote outlaw

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Lore wise? Honestly subtlety probably.

Game play wise understand outlaw requires you to push buttons far more actively. Sin sometimes I find myself auto attacking and waiting more often then not.


Outlaw is with a lot of RNG chained to his performance!
Outlaw this as an anemic version of warrior, with a variable force burst!
It can be very high or it can be low, depending on how good you are at getting a favorable RNG!
Imagine you’re playing street fighter Dan Hibiki!
Assasin, at least you only depend on you to do damage!

I’ve never seen myself as a pirate and I never understood why someone thinks Outlaw has something to do with this fantasy strand I never had!

I just ignore pirate-related antics!
I’m a swordsman! A fencer!
Not a buglar who is always drunk and stinking at the vomit the day before!

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Does Greymane wield a gun? Or am I crazy

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Outlaw is very thematic because you get to do a duelist kind of thing and have a pistol, which fits the worgen’s Victorian theme.

That being said, Outlaw is dookie. It either does all of the damage or none of the damage and is completely rng dependant.

Assassin does a lot of damage and is completely under your control.

I’d go assassin.


Lore wise it’s feral.

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In HOTS he does when he isn’t in worgen form


I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

@Ralph: You know what DOESN’T make sense? A Worgen feral Druid. I mean, a dog that changes into a cat? yeah right. But Ralph is my brother’s name, and it is a great name for a worgen feral druid, if ever there could be one.


What about Catdog?

I vote outlaw!! :partying_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::upside_down_face:

Nooo xD dog into a cat is so weird to meeee

Gilnean have a link to Kul’tirian who probably make up most of the pirates on the high seas, so outlaw make more sense. Plus, a wolf-man wouldn’t use poison due their shadowy nature. Subtlety shadow nature would make more sense for a worgen.

Gilneans are known for their quality firearms. This sort of suggests that they would be drawn to the spec that uses a pistol…

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