Worgen of the emrald dream?

Hi hi hi.
quick question and im very unsure if this was addressed at one point in time but werent there allot of druids who used the worgen form in the emerald dream? if so, where are they? where did they go? cotton eye joe?

They’re generally should be with Goldrinn

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They are in Daral’nir you get to go there as a part of the Heritage questline for Worgen.

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weres that fluffy good boy at?

He’s currently in the Emerald Dream, details below:

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bell rubs inc. thank you moon moon!

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"And boy scouts ask “Where? Where do they go?”
They go to the country that they only know

Just like their meanings they lay between the lines
Between the borders their real countries hide
The strategigo’s saw their advertise
Their strategy of being is one of in-your-face disguise

Ooohoohoooh through the roof, underground!"

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