Worgen need proper hair options

Besides small features, the mane is largely impossible to change besides the sideburns, and i was wondering why, since in some of the artwork of Worgen theres some with that depict them with altered manes.

Most notably one that has it tied in a long ponytail (wish i could post an image but the Forum Trust level is a dumb system, but you can find said image in the Worgen’s page in Wowpedia)

We could also get similar versions to the Beta hairstyles (which yeah would also include no mane) making the hair a lot more spikier.

Could also give them a more “Refined” mane, considering the Gilnean background.

Also, we REALLY need a color option for the beards, cause nearly all of them are white haired.


Worgen have practically nothing. By now, ARs like the Nightborne, HMT and LF have far more than Worgen as an OR. No idea why the devs have such a hatred for the race. Almost no customization options, a messed-up model, the males still have a hunchback, and now they have to share their city with the ones, who destroyed and slaughtered them in the first place, well and no hearthstone and flight master for the Alliance in the zone, but ironically for the Horde. :sweat_smile:

  • Fix bugs: Shoulderpads (female) clipping while casting, hands open too much (male), Running/Wild too jittery.
  • Cata Alpha model hair, face, eyes and ear options
  • Upright posture option
  • Buff racial passives / New active racials - Darkflight changed into a low & fast leap with shorter sprint + a Bite equivalent to Forsaken Cann1balise racial
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Proper hair and upright worgen would make me play worgen. I can’t believe they are perma hunched like orcs used to be. These things make mogging damn near impossible.

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More options for any race is always a good thing imo. Hope this gets heard.


I’d like them to have some special options for their human form. Pointy ears and animal eyes, like Genn in HotS.


We already have two threads about this:

Blizzard never bothered to even take into account these wishes, worst they outright insulted us via a dracthyr joke.

They brag about inserting the realworld inclusivity into WoW, a thing that many hate because of the way it was done.
But it does not extend to the worgens it seems, the reclamation of Gilneas being the ultimate insult.

i wish to have two words with those devs, how can they be okay to insult a particular community while giving us lessons about how “inclusive” they are?

It’s funny how as a Worgen you have more customization options for your irrelevant Human form than you do your actual form.

Well that’s simple, it’s because they don’t actually care. Every time a corporation does things like that, without exception, it’s performative. It’s them prostrating themselves before the altar of mainstream politic that they may of its deep and tainted coffers quaff.


My big wants for worgen are straight backs, darker black fur and man would I love a huge spikey mohawk!! :smiley:

Have always wanted some kind of super jump or heroic leap too, the npcs do them in the starting zone, we should be able to also.

Also a way to fight with our claws instead of using weapons.

That is all, good day. :smiley:

I remember the models they had in cataclysm’s alpha. They were changed because people didn’t think they looked wolfy enough or some such.

They actually had hairstyles

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Worgen need some much needed love.


Pepperidge Farm remembers…


They even had the ears right.
I’d kill for that 15 with a bit more in the back to work with, or a less messy 2.

Oh trust me, I’d -kill- to have the upright ears as an option.

In fact, here is a preview:

Obviously this is a custom model that was used for art purposes and demonstrations of wanting better customization for the worgen populace as a whole. Therefore not condoning the use of said models in game as it breaks ToS. It’s just too good not to share :frowning:


The whole model needs an overhaul. The proportions are terribly distorted, both in men and women, and they waddle around like ducks…