Worgen models, maybe like this instead

Hmmm. For the male model, as a quick start…

Instead of this:

Can it be more like this?

It’s the spine shape, the placement of the waistline, and the angle of the pelvis in the hunching. The waist is too high to be realistic on the current model, the spine bends in something like an S shape when it should be more of a U shape.

I’m not seeing a difference. >.> (why did it delete my first post? I just wanted to edit it D:)


That’s pretty interesting. I wonder if it’s like the ‘uncanny valley’ effect. I notice unnatural body posture easily. When it changed to that in Legion, it really bugged me, and has since.

The first one has a (to me) noticeably unnatural posture, the second one has a posture more realistic for the stance.

The first one has an S shaped spine, the second one has a U shape.

I’m not seeing the difference either.


Unless I posted the wrong pictures, heh.

It’s in the waist and lower torso.

you must have posted the wrong ones; not seeing any difference. D:

It’s the correct ones.

This is actually pretty informative, it kinda blows my mind others don’t see the difference in the body posture. I must be really sensitive to it in some way.

It’s the spine shape, the placement of the waistline, and the angle of the pelvis in the hunching. The waist is too high to be realistic on the current model, the spine bends in something like an S shape when it should be more of a U shape.

I guess it’s a ‘me’ problem. Too bad we can’t use custom model files.

I see it now. Look at the puppy’s tummy right above his bikini.

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Yup I see it now. Would have helped if OP had mentioned the area of which we’re supposed to look at. XD

I do agree the stance in the second one is more comfortable to look at.

Nah I rather they bring back some old alpha model concepts and update it to their customization for next expansion. I hope a Blizzard employee reads this post.

I should have been more descriptive, in retrospect, it seems dumb to not post anything in the post comment.

A hope is that, whatever customization and options, the model just looks good, heh.

For the time being, while the models are what they are, some UV changes and animation adjustments to the pelvis, thighs, and abdomen make the posture look alot better. The belts warp a bit, but that’s the payment for using ‘textured’ armor (and is what existed through legion). It seems like it’s worth having some warping to make the rest of the body and animations less silly looking. some of the battle animations look really bad with the current setup if watched closely.

No thank you I quite like the current upgrades we’ve got, when people start asking for more changes all I can see is that damned purse dog look the females got. Yeah I know this is the male but NEVER AGAIN WILL I WHISPER SWEET DERPS!

So knowing where I’m supposed to look I see the difference as well. The altered one looks better but I think the honest reason the waistline is as high as it is is because some pants models have low fitted waists. If the default waistline isn’t high enough, the low fitted waist models either won’t work or will show off a bit too low.

This is an example of the low waisted pants in question.

That part of the waist isn’t affected. The upper portion of the waistline had the vertices moved down slightly and weight up more on the pelvis to smooth the rotation, then the pelvis is rotated forward in the animations. The UV’s for the top of the beltline are lowered, and then adjusted to push the inner-thigh area over the leg.

That ‘lower’ part of the beltline is generally unaffected.

More work could be done to get the top of the beltline to not scrunch quite a much, this was just a 20 minute rough-draft thing.

I hadn’t noticed that the waistline was smooshed and not actually moved, so you’re right it definitely wouldn’t effect the low waisted pants. Far as I can tell at a glance it looks better, and if the waistline can be widened out a bit again then I’d call it a win. How does the altered model look while walking?

Only if they fix the Female Tauren harelip first.
They gave us goat faces.
Not cow faces.

All it takes is moving maybe 1-3 verts down.

After they do that, which has been like this since the main model update… then yeah, then they can work on Worgen bellies.