Worgen Human Form Suggestion to Blizz

I would like for this human form to stay until i wish to shift forms manually, not to break upon combat ect. it is breaking my immersion. Imagine playing as a worgen warrior, your in human form when your chill. but once you get serious you shift into worgen form and pop all cooldowns and unleash pure Carnage. why must blizz always make misteaks and take the fun away… everyone please blow this up and get blizz to actually make this simple change.

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Well it is a curse and when your calm you stay in human form but as soon as you either get mad or scared POOF you switch to worgen form . It not something you can control.

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This is never going to change.

But I wish it would change anyway lol. I’ve swapped my main to a worgen and I like the racials for going zoom zoom but I sure do wish I could stop seeing the wolf all the time. I’m just not into the non-humanoid races.

At least they could’ve let us keep the addon that automatically swapped you back to human form outside of combat, but no, it’s fine, I’ll just manually click the dumb button every 5-15sec. :triumph:

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