Awoooooooooo friends. Just wondering if we will get cool top hats for the heritage armor for worgen like lord waldens top hat from the quest. And if we do preferably lots of choices for top hats.
We don’t know yet but it will probably look like Genn Greymane cosplay.
I hope it will look like the Original Vanilla Worgen’s gear though.
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There’s a top hat you can get from the Island Expedition with all the worgen on it. It’s a green, so it’s actually moggable.
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Am I the only one who wants the worgen heritage armor to be special, in that it changes based on what form you’re in?
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That is a good idea. I do not have any Worgen but it would be… a treat… for Worgen Players.
Maybe the Worgen form can look like what Mortis displayed, and the Human form can be all uppercrust and fancy (with top hats!)
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