Worgen Heritage Armor looks AMAZING!

Without the shoulder armor that is.

I am not quite sure why they felt the need to include the shoulder armor portion, it feels so tacked on, the colors stick out like a sore thumb and clash, they just don’t fit the set in my opinion. Looks are subjective at the end of the day but I feel it looks so much better without it as depicted above.

After unlocking it on my main and hiding the shoulder armor I have to say that this set looks really really REALLY good. Who else is enjoying their new Worgen Heritage Armor? Do you like the shoulders or do you hide them also?


Just like how the Kul Tiran heritage set becomes better when you hide its shoulders lol. I still think the Worgen heritage set is a bit too bright for the Gilnean aesthetic. Also needs moar coats.
Otherwise I think it is okay.

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Meh its ugly to me. The hots gen armor is what they should have got.

Overall I’m not one to use sets. I mix and match to create my own thing.

At least worgen look good though. Compared to the old models.

The ladies still have lung cancer though. Further tweaking is needed. And till a tail option is there. They will always look incomplete. As if they would be constantly falling from no flow/balance.


Just a shame the top hat doesn’t come with a monocle.

I found a use for the shoulders.

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And without.

Its one of the ugliest heritage, the pants makes the leg look too skinny, the painted coat make it look cheap as well, the hat makes it hard to take them seriously, even HOTS greymane remove his hat during worgen form.


I’m torn between my worgen druid alt and my kul’tiran one…mostly because of the druid forms…and why worgens looks way to close to night elves disappoints me.

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I just have 1 worgen, my druid, and if there’s one thing he never wore is shoulder armor because of the already huge shoulders, so doesnt matter to me

Personally I like the KT shoulder armor but I get ya. I do agree the gold on the Worgen armor is just a bit to bright, more Stormwind feeling than Gilnean feeling.

That’s fair, not everyone likes the same stuff. I personally find the Goblin Heritage armor ugly but I know a lot of Goblins who love it.

To each their own I suppose, it is a subjective point :slight_smile:

Indeed, needs to be at least 20% more dapper. There are not enough monocles in this game… or eye wear in general outside of goggles. Id of loved the cool tea shades that Godfrey had.

Heeeeeey, that looks pretty good! I really like your mog and how you found a good use for them!

Yeah, I kinda hope the racial druid forums get some love at some point and get more tuned with their races like Zandalari and Kul’tirians. The older druid races only have minor differences where as KT and Zanda look spectacularly different in such a great way!


The armor should be a lot more muted in color, at the very least. Also, the fact that it’s painted on when KT already got a 3D coat is just kind of sad.

That, and the heritage armor quest being all “woe is me for being Worgen” is a VERY odd choice for a quest that’s supposed to be celebrating the race. Like, I get that some Gilneans in the lore might not want to be Worgen but if the players didn’t want it, they’d pick “human” at the select screen.


looks good

I would like it if it was a bit darker, more monotone and flowing. Like Gilneas is pretty much. Nothing but shades of gray and dark earth tones.

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They really botched it imo. There was a post on Reddit talking about this. They could have made is so so much better.

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To be honest, there were also several threads on these forums both in GD and 8.3 PTR forums.


I always have a hard time finding something I like on this toon. I think the robe version of the heritage armor works. I don’t care for the top hat though. It’s too big imo.

The Mythic version has the perfect gold tint matching the lining of the Heritage armor.

My first reaction to worgen heritage armor was bursting out laughing. It is so bad.


It’s better than I thought it would be… the head sloping forward in wolf form always causes issues with head and shoulder pieces. Even the classic Top Hat really only worked for me in human form.

Also light years easier to get than the goblin one which I actually found more disappointing. The little rockets on the shoulder are too floaty/bouncy.

Oh goodness yes! I 100% agree with this, the Worgen one was WAAAAAAAY easier. Both my Goblin and Worgen are Blood DK’s, roughly around the same strength and the Goblin one took way longer. Everything hit way harder and had way more health. It was frustrating kind of frustrating, enough so that I submitted feedback on it after completing both.

Mind you, they probably intended for people to be more geared but considering its a “heritage armor” questline I feel its quite a bit overtuned for what it is :confused:

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