Worgen form transmogs

I’m wanting to roll a worgen alt and then go farming transmogs. I know all looks good on there human form. But what class’s transmogs look best on the worgen wolf form?

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Nothing with a helm. Way too much clipping happens, which has been a problem since their inception


It depends on the class i suppose. My worgen is a RGE so I get leather. most sets look good on him.
And like Phyrixis said most headgear that covers the nose is gonna look weird. thank goodness for hide helm

You can if you wish, peruse wowheads item set catalogue, setting the model to be worgen body type 1 for the previews for armor sets

In my opinion, rogue or warrior. I see a lot of stylish looking worgen rogues and warriors.

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If I end up doing bg PvP what would be better out of rogue or warrior

Warrior has access to the Gilneas shield. :mag::robot:


I am the wrong person to ask, as I do not PvP these days.

Except the one thing one would want to clip: the ears. All other long eared races the ears clip through helms so they don’t look absurd… except worgen.


Male worgen are literally unplayable until they receive the same upright option that orcs got.

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For you perhaps, the lvl 70s say otherwise.


I only really play male worgen myself tbh


Unless said thing is, like, a monocle or glasses or something.
Those all look great. Barring the funny placement of the temples for the glasses, sort of.


Hence why most of my worgen wear the glasses.

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I’ve been asking for this for years. The rogue pistol shot animations put them upright so we know it’s in the game.

They need to just give us that barber shop option.

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The straight up animation has existed since before pistol shot. The /dance animation also has had it since the old model.

It likely wouldn’t be a huge amount of work either since it is just 1 bend in the back and not a large set of joints. Add to this many of the newer animations don’t even use this bend anymore, they have a proper aggressively forward lean. Currently the stand animation is the biggest offender for this horrible design choice.

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I mean, a few things work, but most of the actual helmets? they don’t work for sh**.
Then again, I don’t tend to like the helms on most characters anyway.

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I ran across one of those transformation pad toys the other day, and I turned up as a male worgen. Looked pretty excellent with my transmog. Had a dappled light and dark grey hide.

Kinda worked for me, not gonna lie.

Worgen rogues look nice, most of the leather looks pretty good on them sans hats and it has the easiest eyepatch mog which is tradition at this point for most male worgen.
Bonus the animation for pistol shot(and technically serpant sting) look pretty nice since they make them stand up straight.

Warrior is also pretty good, the blue tomb set looks nice with the gilneas tabard.

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Some of the hunter/mail gear looks quite nice on Worgen. I particularly like the Nighthold LFR set, the Antorus mythic set, the Kyrian covenant sets, the Dark Ranger set, and the Sanctum of Domination sets. I also think the Bloodhunter set from the Trading Post looks really cool on Worgen.

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If I went worgen warrior what spec is best for bg and open world PvP. I’m kinda In between a warrior or monk I like the way most armor and weapons look on them.