Worgen Druid Wolf Form

Let’s fix this very simple lore problem.

Druids band together to go into the Emerald Dream/Ardenweald and cure Goldrinn of his ancient fury. Wolf form is now viable for Feral.

Worgen cat/dog available upon glyphing.


Might be the perfect racial forms for Orcs as they worship Goldrinn. :robot::thought_balloon:

…some trouble with how feral and guardian use claws, probably why we couldn’t use even snakes. :robot::sweat_drops:

edit: Always wanted to fight the Bloodfang Pack at their prime in that wolf form. :robot::shield:

Problem is that would show love to Worgen and Blizzard can’t do that. Worgen have already undergone a ritual to clam the wolf. Pack form was supposed to be uncontrollable thus the Worgen curse was uncontrollable as the curse was simply modified pack form via the Scythe of Elune. Long ago Blizzard could have given the Worgen pack form instead they rushed the race out, forced us to be stuck with the abomination for 10 long years and stopped caring about Worgen players cause we didn’t have a good player base… wonder why? So here we are to this day with the race Blizzard hates and refuses to show any love to. We are still the only core race in the game who hasn’t had a racial revamp.

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would be cool, but i do like gato form to remind me how superior perros are

Sorry, but if you want to be a wolf for feral you have to play a kul tiran.

Blizzard fixing bad aesthetic choices for worgen? Oh my friend I’m glad you are this positive. Flee now before you learn the truth.

Technically Worgen are the Wolf Druid form already…

Would you rather have Worgen with tails or Worgen as a feral druid form?

The problem with that is that Goldrinn’s fury isn’t a disease, it’s his identity. His reason to be.

The Wild Gods aren’t just big animals. They all have some aspect of Life itself that they represent. Goldrinn represents fury.

I am the fangs of rage. The ferocity of a cornered beast. The starving hunter on a bloodscent.

I am the briefest, brightest moments before your death on the battlefield. The strength that only comes from insurmountable odds.

A ghost of a god, known by many… for rage and fury do not discriminate.

Trying to cure Goldrinn of his rage would be like trying to cure WoW from being an MMORPG lol

I think rather than taking Goldrinn’s identity from him, the best course of action to unlock a Wolf Form for Druids would be a questline to strengthen the Druid’s mind, allowing them to maintain their sanity amidst the rage.


Both… Both is good.

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