Worgen deserve a better heritage armor

The worgen heritage armor is by far the worst of all races. We haven’t even seen the troll/draenei/pandaren sets yet but there’s no way anything can come close to how bad the worgen heritage set is. They missed the mark not only with the armor itself but the color scheme as well. The tech is better now to make worgen a set that actually does them justice and I think they deserve a second pass.


Honestly I agree. The Worgen Heritage armor is awful. I really wish we could get a redo now that tech design is better. The hat looks awful, the over all style just feels bland. Graymane gets a cool outfit…and we get…well…not.


Yeah, both the armor and the quest are awful.

Never been so disappointed with a heritage set.


The Worgen deserve any/every good thing they can get. They just weren’t done right.


i dont get why they got “the entertainer” as their themed set.and I even did the quests…(and already forgot them LOL)


I disagree. I think it’s a great outfit for them. I wish the colors were different, to match the tabard better, but otherwise, I think it’s perfect.


Here’s the trick with Worgen Heritage:

Hide the shoulderpads.

You can thank me later :smiley:


I havent bothered to do the questline at all mostly because Im not interested in looking like a circus ringmaster.


Should have been based on the armor Genn’s bodyguards are wearing instead of carrying on the Top Hat noble theme.


The colors are still bad and the set looks like it’s made for a human. The outfit and its proportions just don’t match the worgen’s bestial shape like greymane’s does.



It is better with the default shoulders hidden, or just something else chosen entirely.

The chest and legs are… okay, I guess, although I remember when this set first came out, many were hoping for a longer coat, like Graymane’s. It seems like the answer was that they didn’t want to take away from the uniqueness of the Kul Tiran set, because yeah, the Johnny-Come-Lately allied race should definitely take priority over a race that’s been around since Cata. :roll_eyes:

The colors definitely could have been a little more muted as well. It seems they went a little overboard with the whole “well it’s an Alliance race so it’s gotta be blue and gold” mindset.

Sometime in the future, I’d love to see at least a recolor with more neutral tones, like Graymane’s.


If we could at least get a recolor that’s maybe a little closer to the Sinful Gladiator set, I’d be happy with that.



Honestly I would love to see something along the lines of the Classic Sherlock Holmes Aesthetic. The Inverse cape, a unique deerstalker cap, really dig into the theme of Gilneas that they hinted at both in early quests and books. That old Gaslight england vibe. Maybe have two versions. One that is more fancy and refined, and another that’s more tattered and frayed to represent the nobility and the common folk of Gilneas. Emphasize the Dichotomy that existed at the start of the Gilneas questlines with the Royals and Rebels. And I would have loved for the Heritage armor to reflect this as well. Have the Princess working with a former rebel to solve a problem for the Gilnean people. Show the difference in their backgrounds and thinking before they work together to solve the issue. Show the divide before the bridge.

This is just my opinion though.

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Give Worgen collars.


You can tell that they tried to vaguely make it look like Genn’s outfit from HOTS, but their tech wasn’t there in 2018/19 or whenever it was. Also the colors on it are way off. They look really weird, like they’re meant for an entirely different lighting engine or something.

They could probably do it better now, but probably still not as good as it should be.


But it doesn’t still look like what people have posted on reddit. And the color is off too.

Idk the LFD ain’t much better. Let’s give someone tattoos all over but make the heritage armor cover everything up.

At least LFD can pick their underwear color to match the heritage armor, and then simply hide shirt.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with their heritage armour/suit they got, I just think they should have an alternative battle-armour, like the Blood Elves got for their Paladins.

Could have been flea collars . . .

I don’t hate it but I can’t say I’m a huge fan either. Please, get these Worgen some finer clothes.