Worgen Customization Mega Thread


An image is worth a thousand words.
And it is obvious in this image above how much worgen is poorly managed when it comes to customization.

Blizzard has a plan and will not change that plan to try to stay on a honeymoon with the public.

Regurgitate remakes of the glory days and be desperate to enter the mobile market.
The rest can be treated like a dying animal.

of all the things they could do, giving more customization options would be the cheapest and least expensive in terms of not needing buffs and nerfs that they can never do in order to make everyone happy and that they try to say that they leave all viable classes and specs, generating more controversy and requests from community nerfs and buffs, which Blizzard never resolves in any way.

Customization would not cause any of these problems.

It really looks like the wowkiller is Blizzard itself.
The superdata website has already shown the results they deserve, of what they are doing with Warcraft.

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When you see things like the scars as a separate option for the night elves while they are on a few faces on others races, it’s obvious that this project was treated as a side project.
You know, the type of thing that you are doing on your free time only.

The worst part is that few customizations on promotionals artworks did not make it to the live.
It means that Blizzard has a stock of customizations.

They could have released them to say that they are working ont this project.
I really don’t understand their reasonning.

And when you see the actual result… it is neither done nor to be done .



Well guys, I will be away from the forum and the game from today, for some time, after the disappointing and not respectful lamecon has tired my patience with the antics of blizzard and its total lack of harmony and interest with the players and their suggestions and feedbacks regarding World of Warcraft, which they ask only to continue ignoring or fulfilling corrupted wishes.

Although I will be away for some time, I will not leave at all, but I will never create a 6-month subscription, renewable for another 6 months, that I had since 2010.

I hope that those who have not felt as tired and who still remained heroically enduring Lamelands, continue to honor this and other topics on customizations, even though Blizzard continues to ignore them, because when I return, and I will return, I intend to continue supporting these contents and those that promote them in the forums.

I wish everyone to be well and stay healthy.
I hope to see you all again, here.

And before I go I want to thank Keori, for this wonderful work done by her creating this mega thread, showing the interest, passion and commitment of a player for something created by Blizzard and that the company treats with so little value even though it awakens the same passion and appreciation of the players and that could be greatly improved if some of the suggestions given here were considered.

I also thank everyone who came here to participate and give their support, encouragement and suggestions for further customization for worgen.

Thanks to Cow, Ariwyn, Kájí, Albien, Moronai, Yorae, Sappho, Fezzy and others, which unfortunately I am not mentioning, but they showed me that I am not alone in my pretensions.

I hope to see you all again on this forum and on the same threads where we met.

Good health. Long life.

:wolf: :heartbeat: :v:


I wish you well in your time away, I truly understand needing to take a break after all this

I will miss you while you’re gone friend.

I’ll be here when you return, still howling for Worgen, thier tails and further customizations.



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It’s sad to see how one statement has completely demoralized Blizzard’s most loyal fanbase.

Either way, you know we are all here together and we will get through this whether we are subbed to the game or not. I am still happy with the friends I have made on this forum and you all will always have my support! While I too am not renewing my own sub, I can still be contacted through Bnet! I’ll always keep fighting for worgen customization, hell, more customization across the board.

What angers me are the people who sit and ridicule us for being disappointed, going so far as calling us spoiled brats and entitled babies. Though had this been any other avenue in the game, I guess that’s different.

This is an MMORPG after all. I guess wanting more options for our characters, which we look at 100% in the game doesn’t matter despite the years of requests from players and the “overwhelmingly positive” feedback it received when more customizations were announced. It’s funny how they pat themselves on the back for doing the bare minimum and when I look at it, how they wanted to focus on ethnicity inclusion in various interviews made it appear they only did it as a political thing. Not that ethnicity inclusion is a bad thing at all, the motivation behind it however… It kind of disgusts me when I think about it. I could be wrong on this of course.


I wish you well friend, we will see you soon :wolf:

I wonder if the devs know how much damages they have done. If we look at the answer of Hazzikostas, it’s clear they don’t.
I hope that many unsub to show them how wrong they were.

You are not wrong, they were bragging about adding a trans, expanded the ethnicity (and it seems that they have forgotten the asian one).
It was done for the wrong motivation with the usual result when we have the “inclusity” argument: A pig work.

Instead of doing politics to please the minority of idiots who only care about identity politic, they should have worked to please the majority by bringing a massive amount of customization for all the races in the game.


My motivation has been killed since blizzconline.

I do my callings when I feel like it and the renown quests and that is mostly it. Now I just level some new alts and try to farm some raid mounts.

I may unsub because this just feels bad. I had a nearly uninterrupted hiatus from wow from late Pandaria to before 8.3 but these recent decisions are pushing me away again, I was having fun and I was excited for what else wow could bring. No customization for the next few years. Awful Nightborne models I may always have to live with. Not to mention SL issues like not being able to afford any cosmetics with anima. Things are just not fun for a casual like me with no friends in game.

Customization was such a huge thing for me. When I started to see the updates on the Beta on wowhead I was always excited every week to see what else was being added. It was literally the highlight of my week most of the time! And now they may scrap it possibly forever after it was made as a big part of this expansion.


Good Luck on MMO Champion. That’s a tidepool of toxic negative people that rejects everything that makes wow for what it is and it’s only about the mindless pointless high end raiding and etc without the passion to go into these raids without tier gear, things that makes a MMORPG and etc.

Also good luck on personally own threads. If you make a thread that has the same topic. It will be gone just like the High Elf Threads crash and burn on that website with being one single thing. In this case for Customization Options. People don’t care for them really. Sad isn’t it.

Blinks in Nightborne

If you take the time to go look you’ll see I’ve posted a few times about the Nightborne being in the same boat as Worgen were for 10 years. I still hope you get a model rework before that time frame. But Worgen are still a core race and got badly neglected despite thousands of posts of feedback. Worgen are still the only core race in the game who’s racial abilities were never touched. Go make a Nightborne thread and I’ll be happy to support you in it but don’t come here and derail this post with Nightborne comments please this thread is for and about Worgen.


These spam threads are an example of why the horde community is better than the alliance. Horde players don’t spam bump threads with their 10 other friends and alts because blizzard doesn’t want to add something. We don’t even bump things about NB, the race that is prolly the most dis-serviced in the game as of this point.


What’s up with this?

Go to those threads then… There are several nightborne threads of late for exactly that purpose.

Not sure what yelling at us is supposed to do when it’s blizzard you need to talk to.

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Perfectly stated, i’m experiencing the same thing.
Surprised at how much the no customization additions thing killed my enthusiasm about the game.
I’m actually thinking i’ll unsub, which is a first in a decade.


Blizzconlie is what I call it. Blizzconlie left me so dissapointed that I ended up dropping my 6month sub myself. Currently running on gold, but actually at the point of dropping the game for a bit myself. Would be my first time actually taking a break from the game aside from BC where back then I couldn’t afford the game. Been subscribed from wrath up till now without a single break, and I’ve also been playing ever since the game first released on day one. Honestly I could tolerate the awful decisions at the start of BFA, hell I have my Azeroth’s Champion title to prove I gave BFA a super hard chance and stuck with it even thought their decisions back then were mind numbingly questionable, but that’s the very reason why I’m putting Shadowlands on such a extremely high standard.

Shadowlands was supposed to FIX the mistakes that ruined BFA for a lot of people, and so far, it seems they haven’t done the most simple thing of “listening to feedback” when during the beta they were showing they were willing to change and start to actually listen. This expansion is the last straw for a lot of players, which is why you see so many people actually starting to drop the game, not only because of the customization comments they did, but also things such as them saying they straight up knew how bad the Alliance and Horde imbalance is and that “it’s up to the player base to fix that problem”, and a load of other things as well that they mentioned such as how they are gonna handle new systems from here on out.

Depending on how they handle Shadowlands from here on out, it will truly decide whether World of Warcraft itself will either live or die by the end of the expansion, and so far, 9.1 doesn’t even look that promising.


If y’all wanna be more angry at the lack of wuggo customization, here you go https://twitter.com/TheAmberBerries/status/1367517828002295808?s=20

Based off the comments, every option is already in the game files. We could have had floof this whole entire time


Keep in mind, this is with their old customization system, that would need a lot more work and effort put in to adding in each individual thing. With the new customization system coding, they can add in all of the stuff you see in the video, and MORE, in record time.

This reddit thread talks about all the steps it takes to create new custom stuff, and how very easy and quick it is to do something as “complex” as a new hair style. Blizzard can literally hire 2-3 people dedicated for customization options, and we will see huge batches of customization for every race each major and 9.x.5 patch, to the point where we can see Allied Races starting to recieve their customization options as early as 9.2.5 or 9.3



We get the things yet?


Really hope we get to see these things down the line.

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For the people who keep linking Christie Golden’s tweet about worgen not having tails as your lore defense:


Again, we repeat, she only works on STORY and STORY only. She is NOT part of the creative development team that is specific to Warcraft. You cannot provide any source of a WoW creative dev specifically saying what she has said. Nor can you provide anything in the game itself that says a worgen cannot have a tail.

With that, go cry somewhere else. People want options. There are already many lorebreaking additions that were added with the new customization and you’re a hypocrite for targeting only worgen but giving the pass to other lore breaking customizations that were given. This against lore argument has no foot to stand on now.


They are trying to hire for 15 positions on the WoW Art team, for what that’s worth. Two of which are Character Artists specifically.

Can’t post the link apparently, but it’s on the Blizzard Careers page.

Doesn’t excuse what they said at Blizzcon at all, but maybe they really are just short artists at the moment. Wish I qualified for that sort of job, but sadly I do not have the knowledge (and I don’t live anywhere near Irvine). :slightly_frowning_face:

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