Worgen Customization Mega Thread

That is true, but even Night elves that were affected by curse of worgen didn’t have tails as far as I am aware, and yea they didn’t :


And I don’t really get the issue with Tauren tails since plenty of other races did have tails too, and the next race that came to Alliance was draenei and they also had tails. But worgen that came after draenei didn’t have tails even in their early alpha stage.

Anyway, I was just speaking my opinion, why - to me - it would feel off.
Overall I do want more customization for everyone, just this feature is bugging me.

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Big issue was concept wise at least female Worgen were given tails. But Blizzard squandered the development time back in Cataclysm and it hurt the Worgen as a whole. We had no idea what the female Worgen were even going to look like till a month before Cataclysm went live and the model we were shown was extremely unfinished and looked nothing like what we got for 10 years. Why you might ask? Because Blizzard scrapped the model with two weeks to go before release and give us the rabid pregnant pissed off chihuahua model with terrible tearing and a goofy look all cause they ran out of development time.


You are correct, the night elves did not have tails either, I was mostly pointing out that the form does come from a Wild God, as the Vulpera and Tauren do. And again, the tail thing is just something I think I heard before, I could very much be misinformed on that regard.

I can understand where you’d feel an added tail would be odd with the lack of one previously, growing a new limb and all, and I am not opposed to them expanding lore as opposed to simply going ‘whelp, it’s just there now!’ I believe either earlier in this thread (or was it a different one? I’m too lazy to check) I suggested that they tie the tails to the worgen heritage questline as we are already interacting with Goldrinn. They could simply add a whisper when completing the quest from him saying they you’ve impressed him and he gives you his blessing. Blessing from the source of the curse --> closer connection to said Wild God --> tails like Goldrinn has.


Um, I was there because I was looking forward to play that worgen female, when I saw this picture :

I was all on board and I didn’t like the models that they released instead of these.
So I am very aware of what was going on there and how it affected the race.
I just refuse to blame it on lack of tail, since they never had it in game. It was the model overall that was not finished and buggy.

Anyway, no point arguing over that anymore. I was just speaking my opinion and how I saw it. It’s perfectly fine if we agree to disagree.

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An unhunched option would be great. Capes always look awful on us because of the way they go against the flow of the body.



Don’t know why anyone gets so annoyed at optional tails but oh well.


Blood elves and orc had access to customizations that are not in the lore but when it is time to give something to an alliance race, the lore that says nothing about it as much as it talks about orcs and blood elves is thrown at us. :roll_eyes:


Yep, I’ve suggested this as well. You show Goldrinn what a good boy you are, he’s happy and blesses you, if accepted, you get a tail next time you change and can now show others what a good boy you are with tail wags. lol Lore friendly too.


If Setraliss have Sethraks as their favorite children and disciples, why couldn’t Goldrinn start paying more attention to worgen, as he did in the quest for sad and unworthy heritage armor?

I’ve yet to do the heritage quest, but yep, certainly makes sense to me.

Giving another support for this thread though I don’t main on my worgen anymore. They still need love.

It needs these hairstyles. They’re so missing out on customization opportunities.


Worgen racials could also use a buff

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What an utterly disappointing Q&A. Keep on fighting for your worgen customizations guys. I have lost all faith with Blizzard and their broken promises.



They could have just told us at the start it was going to be a one and done thing.

Pretending our feedback was going to be taken into account was not needed.


The thing is, they said the exact opposite.

This was said by Ion himself.

Source: https://www.windowscentral.com/world-warcraft-shadowlands-big-interview-game-director-ion-hazzikostas

It doesn’t help when you get people like Feasel sitting there and saying “Just keep submitting your feedback” which is something I have done for well more than a decade through various alphas, betas, forums, reddits, twitter posts, youtube videos, etc etc only for it never to be acknowledged and turned a blind eye to.

The answers we got today were a complete slap to everyone’s face and it’s the final nail in the coffin for me.


In general, I don’t expect anything from Q&A because they are done much more to publicize something about Blizzard than to talk to the players.
And since Hazzicostas started to participate, I no longer follow the event.

Well, another chance to give players something meaningful being ignored by the Devs.

And all to promote diablo and its derivatives, a version of warcraft console that no longer has many attractions on the pc and other topics that I don’t even bother to find out about.

Well, tomorrow is another day.

Rest in peace to my worgen brothers and sisters. And nightborne…
Today is a sad day.


To be honestly fair, no wolf sits around with a Perma snarl or looking “Vicious” when at rest. This is what the Worgen are showing when docile and at rest, they don’t look vicious at all.

Now making them look gruff, ragged, or like they have seen the odd scrap or two would make more sense to give them an overall tougher appearance. I am just glad they got rid of the absolutely atrocious female model from before.

As for the OP I 1000% support everything stated there. The argument that Worgen never had tails no longer holds water if the devs themselves cannot make up their minds when drawing them if they do or do not.

Personally, I say give them the option and ignore the haters. This furry hate is just a boring trend that people jump on to look cool. Most people who like “Anthropomorphic” animals probably grew up in the 70 to the 90s or had/have parents or relatives that did. Disney, Warner Brothers, Hanna Barbara, etc. All had walking talking, clothes-wearing, humanoid-looking animals to some degree.


Thank you.

In all honesty, a part of me wants to make a raw, spill my heart video directed at Blizzard to express my disappointment. Not to hate bash them, just to demonstrate and give my final words. I’ll always have a love for Blizzard. Hell, my first online game ever was Diablo 2 and I grew up with the company. There have been times that them as a company has failed to protect me and still I remained loyal to them. I won’t get into the specifics on that one but I will say I have suffered because of their neglect to handle certain situations that came up.

Just hearing “oh keep on submitting your feedback” and not even acknowledging the ample feedback that’s been given over the years really show the disconnection with the player base. For worgen customization in particular, the things I mentioned in the original posts were things suggested back during the Cataclysm alpha. It’s just so tiresome now…


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