Worgen Customization Mega Thread

Back to our regularly scheduled program. Just in time too, because it seems they recently added in a “new” highlight to the character customization/barbershop.

They wouldn’t have added that in if we were just getting the orc/human hair recolors… Hopefully this expansion we finally get our long requested character customizations!


Ah excellent it’s back!

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Give Wuggos Tails!

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Zanadalari Trolls got new hair colors in the 10.0.5 if memory serve well, if they add something each patch for one or two races, eventually we will have something for the worgens.

And regarding animal based races, you can have an unlimited number of fur pattern as a replacement for hair colors


Glad to see this post back. There is a lot of love, passion and good feedback put into it.


I’m very glad this is back! Customisation is wonderful


Good to be back! Just as Asheru said; there’s a lot of love and passion here despite all the hatred that comes from ignorance.

May we stay vigilant and continue to share how we can improve worgen!


I’m still waiting on the different werebeast options like a Werecat for example for Worgens.

The werecats are called Saberon. I miss the druid talent/glyph that let us turn into one :frowning:

I think they may actually make them an Allied Race someday but I am unsure. The Saberon share the same models as the werecats but were actually their own race in WoD.

Worgen having tails?!? Preposterous! I think I know that worgen don’t have tails! Next you be telling me Kultiran have paladins like those Kultiran Paladin who followed Daelin Proudmoore until his death by that half Orc Hunter mutt! Hmmm…

Maybe the wow development team is missing a few thing that should be in game… Not that I would at all be biased towards a Kultiran Paladin option.

I know many of us are excited for the new racial we are receiving, Calm of the Wolf! Blizzard is listening guys! Here’s to hoping for even more customization options soon!


Happy Belated Patch Day!

Hope everyone is enjoying their worgen monks!

Now we just need Worgen paladins and shammies! But alas.


Been a while, but here to post that I noticed that Hearthstone has a actual Demon Hunter worgen card.

This, along side worgen paladin, tailed worgens, unique hair styles, hearthstone has the right idea when it comes to different types of worgens!

Hopefully we do end up getting Demon Hunter worgens one day.


I’d really like to pick Body 1 for Worgen form and Body 2 for Human form. Like I love Worgen lore etc. but the Body 2 Worgen form is just not it for me. I want the body 1 fearsome werewolf when a worgen and be a human woman in human form.
The Body 2 Worgen form is just, not my idea of the fantasy of the race, and I love that some people love it and would never dream of taking that away, just would be very okay with being able to select Worgen Body 1 and 2 independently from human body 1 and 2 is all!

10.1.5 Patch Notes - Added 5 new fur colors for Worgen. They’re currently on the PTR, can’t do images myself

12: Greenish, with big dark grey areas, scars all over, very DK-ish, seems almost rotted in looks
13: Grey with brown spots, kinda like the gnolls
15: Solid dark blue
16: Similar to 12 with the scars, white, with pinkish brown areas
19: Mostly light grey with dark grey areas, very similar to 12 in looks but a lot less “dirty”, and no scars

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Portergauge got shots!


Scars should be a separate option IMO.

Though this may end up being a DK skin.