Worgen Customization Mega Thread

I like both Warrior and Rogue aesthetics with either gender, and the female casting animations are fun on clothies. But hunter has one of the best firing animations in the game, so.

Huh? Male or Female? Because the Male one always has me questioning how they could hit anything.

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^This 100%, when male worgen fires a rifle from the hip.
The male doing that 1980’s action movie hip firing animation made me race change it to human. I get it’s a video game but man does it bug me. Shoulder your rifle and hit your target.

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And I’m not really sure why. Especially since the vulpera models are beautiful? And tauren get plenty of customization love.

So it’s sort of a mystery why worgen get done so dirty still.


It’s not a mystery sadly it’s fully on Blizzard. Blizzard didn’t take the time needed to create Worgen correctly. Back in Cataclysm beta we were forced to play Worgen males till almost release as Worgen females weren’t even an option. With 1 month to go before launch we really started getting on Blizzard making daily reports that we didn’t have Worgen females and finally they showed 5 images of Worgen females. The alpha model as it was called got 4 images of the new model with 3 poses each in the 4 different armor types. We also got an image showing close to 15+ different hair styles. But no one ever got to test this model in game. 2 weeks when past and we got nothing so with 2 weeks left before Cataclysm launch we started telling Blizzard yet again we had no female models. Ironically a post on the forums popped up claiming the alpha Worgen model didn’t look vicious enough and finally Blizzard announced we would get the Worgen female model but instead of the old alpha model we were looking forward to we got the abomination and holy crap did we flock to the forums to tell Blizzard how displeased we were. It went from the look of a wolf like animal to the 24/7 rabid pregnant pissed off chihuahua. People hated the new look there was nothing vicious about it. Worgen became the only race in the game were the females looked nothing like the males. And due to how bad the model was with the basic animation causing terrible distortions and tearing as well as being the worst model in WoWs history to make it to the live game no one but the diehard Worgen fans stuck to playing the race. And it was that way for 10 years. Blizzard sabotaged thier own race by putting out a subpar model and didn’t take the time to correct it. That’s why Worgen get so little love.


The dissapointment about the model change then still haunts me until nowadays. Im rewatching videos from blizzcon 2009 sometimes just to fill the hole in my heart for a while. :smiley: The thing i’ve couldn’t understand is why they didn’t gave us the option too choose from the 2 models.

The better question is why did the model change in the first place. Why throw away all the work they did with the hair styles and original model only to haphazardly toss out a model that no one liked or wanted. Some people think I’m cruel to post the way I do calling the model an abomination or the worst model in WoW’s history but how on earth can they even pretend that this was a good job:

Tell me how a non indie company can put out something like that and be proud of the work. The sad truth is they were not. That is why Worgen were ignored for 10 years, put on the back burner but not due to anything other than Blizzard screwed up and refused to acknowledge the fact they put out a model in haste. I get it I really do but why punish the players for something they did. Just look at how Worgen are ignored. Tell me one major Worgen lore character that uses the female model whos voice isn’t changed. There was only 1 in the entire game and I dont even know if you want to call her major Lt. Thorn. Every other major female Worgen character is countable on 1 hand and they don’t even use the correct voice. Celestine of the Harvest and Fiona both are the only other two major characters we run into and they both have custom voices in Worgen form. One could argue they did the same thing in our HA quest with Mia Greymane but she just stright up rejected Worgen telling us we are better without the curse. The curse is what defines a Worgen and keeps them from only being boring British sounding humans. Just how Blizzard refuses to give Worgen their own banner when the Anniversary event happens. Or how they refused to give Worgen the racial revamp that every other core race in the game got. You want to know why I have very little respect for Blizzard when it comes to Worgen. Ya I have a great many grievances all that are very legitimate and all that Blizzard continues to do to the Worgen race. Come on Blizzard show you are a real company and give Worgen a fair shot at customization. And no the human form don’t count as its all just Stormwind humans with nothing unique to Gilneas. You want my respect show love to Worgen.


That all just reinforces my opinion that they ran out of time and rushed this race out the door to meet the xpac deadline. They’ve had over a decade to fix the mistakes though.

Seeing the Dracthyr customization screens though, I think they can finally, and relatively cheaply, give the Worgen race the attention it deserves.

2023… the year of the Worgen!


I think it’s better to slow the official date of the opening and give an actual product that is apreciated and usable by the players. Im visualising cataclysm expansion and mostly the worgen model. But that’s my opinion… :roll_eyes: :smiley:


I hope in the future, hoods hide Worgen Hair & let their ears pop through the headpieces.
I’d love to wear a hood on my druid, but the fact their ears don’t show & their mane sticks out on the back imo is careless design

I also turned my error speech off because female worgen voices don’t sound appealing or cool, but more like a smokers voice. I hope Worgen get the Dracthyr & Blood/ Void elf treatment


To be fair the vulpera options are laughably bad too. When it comes to number of players who play the race versus options avalible, worgen are in the dumpster and vulpera are in the sewer.

We don’t have a ton of options but we have, like, earring options and ear options and snout options. Our faces can look different. I think vulpera are in a better place than worgen. And we have tails. The race seems pretty popular for an allied race. I’m not saying they’re as popular as elves but elves are always the most popular lol.

We definitely need to have collar options.

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How hard is it to have Ahri in this Game Folks?

Would love to see anything from WoW like Worgen Version or anything related to Ahri.

But Ahri is a fox… Are you a Vulpera fan and just not telling us.

I mean she could work as a Werewolf or a Catfolk if you think about it.

Ahri is technically more closely related to Vulpera than Worgen - the nine tailed kitsune thing is fox rather than wolf. Once Blizz gives Worgen optional tails, I would not have any problem with Vulpera being able to 'rank up" with multiple tails. You come across a 9 tailed Vulpera in pvp and you know to run the other way!

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Now we just need paladins!



And shamans :pray: :eyes: :smiley:

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Lightfangs as they are called in heartstone.

Just like sunwalkers and bloodelfs we could have some amazing lore to justify our new Lightfangs!

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I’m hoping they’re saving them for a visual customization system for a variety of paladin types.
Elune themed night elven and worgen paladins would be great (throw in some night elven worgen too please).

Hopefully they’d be one of multiple options.
A moon themed paladin is what I’d like to see but want all options available for people to play what they want.