Worgen Customization Mega Thread

I kinda like my “oh crap I gotta move” button. :man_shrugging:
It is pretty garbage in pvp but that isn’t something I do particularly often.

The game doesn’t revolve around the only aspects of the game you play. I don’t see the point in dismissing my case simply because you don’t do that content. You’re dismissing a point about worgen that is clearly neglected by the devs

Are you trying to be ironic? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No but you sound like your typical forum poster who thinks the game only revolves around what they do when an MMO has to cater to numerous audiences

If you’re declaring

but that only applies to pvp, you’re the one who is commenting as someone who thinks that the game would only

while I actually pointed out the issue is pretty much a pvp one. I did not say there should be no change. I pointed out the problem is with pvp, which is something you intentionally or not, hid. Now for some, the leap that the solution must then be a pvp one might be large, but I didn’t think so at the time.

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Sir, this is a customization thread.

Yes I agree worgen customization needs a lot of attention, like I previously stated

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I’ve pointed out quite a few times this issue, even gave out some neat ideas too. Like what if worgens get a actual offensive/defensive type party buff that works much like Je’s Howler trinket where the more party members around you, the more versa everyone gets, making it a awesome tool for both pvp and pve!

In a way, it’ll also give the players that howl option they wanted, and for Blizzard to have a actual howl animation to go with it.


This is a very nice idea I like it. However if they stick with Darkflight, the cooldown is much too long for what it does and the benefit it provides is weak. Either the cooldown of Darkflight needs to he reduced to either 1.5 min or even 1 min and or the speed boost needs to help negate snares or simply be faster than just 40%.
Darkflight is very mediocre and it has been ignored since the launch of Cataclysm. The only thing the devs have done is nerf its ability to stack with other speed boosts making it even more bad than it already is


Would your Worgen wear a bloodthistle scented flea collar if it was given to by a Blood Elf?

Good luck to everyone who has put their applications in for the community council!

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The artist Howlite just released an excellent art:

It reminded me of two other wishes:

  • The two longest fangs to be on the front of the mouth, not on the side.
  • The possibility to switch on the fly between the pema-snarl or not for role playing purpose.

There’s the full image. :smiley:

Yeah I actually know some people who are sad that their perma snarl is gone. So giving players the best of both worlds by giving a optional snarl, and a more thinner snout much like the previous model would be good. It’s the smaller things that also put in so much more to the player character and making everyone feel unique.



The 23rd is fast approaching.
That is the day of Wolfenoot, when we must honor the great wolf spirit.

I think I shall plan a roast for that evening and pick up or make a moon themed cake.

The age old history of Wolfenoot.


Worgen should be able to melee with their claws. The closest you can get is a fury warrior with fist weapons.


New Blizzard announcements coming this week.

Let’s hope we hear something about our worgen!


Keep having hope guys! They didn’t get to exactly go over everything that’s coming.

ok… according to this: https://www.millenium.org/news/383835.html

Ion said that adding new options will be done sometimes, not at each patch.
In short, we will have to wait for years before seeing anything for the worgens, given how much they cared about us…

Only “good news”, the devs are thinking often if they will open or not any new race/class combo so… a worgen shaman or monk could be possible at a later point.

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No this is like when you were 4 and your parents said “maybe later.” I talked to Ion face to face, 1 on 1, at the 2011 Blizzzcon about fixing clipping issues and the limited nature of the worgen model. This was effectively the same answer he gave me then. They have zero plans.

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Talking to him? You were lucky
Well it’s not like he lied completely either as we did have a new model in…2019 - 2020?
So i guess that we could have new customizations options in let’s say… 6 or 8 years?