Worgen Curse (Fun discussion)

So in the worgen heritage armor questline. It’s stated that worgens can still pass on the curse by biting someone.

Does this mean any race can technically become a worgen?

Also, if so, what appearance would some races take on as worgen?

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You bite a goblin, it becomes a vulpera.


Obviously Gnomes turn to Corgis.


Not necessarily, we don’t know how the curse affects other races. We only know it works on humans and night elves. There’s a good chance it just doesn’t do anything on others or would have different effects. Gnomes would definitely turn into corgen though. :wink:


Probably just the same as humans for the most part. We already know night elves are identical to them when they change.

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No. I think it’s only humans and night elves, though possibly all elves.

There is an Alliance quest hub in southern Stonetalon run by Gilneans mostly. One of the storylines of this town is a gnome that wants to be bitten to become a worgen. The worgen try to dissuade saying that it doesn’t work on his race. I haven’t done that part of Stonetalon since Cata, so the gist of the storyline is all I remember.


But what if a vulpera is bitten, what does that become?

Also Asana, that is bloody funny.

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Pretty sure they just meant they could go bite more Humans. There are always more Humans.

Not wrong there. I sometimes wonder if humans are just furless bunnies with how much they breed.

Orcs love wolves. If you gave them the opportunity to become worgen, so many would take you up on it you’d have to start putting them on a waiting list.

Could be an interesting idea for an allied race, actually.


Only tangentially related, but I just want to say for the record that as menaces go, were-chihuahuas are distinctly third-rate.

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so what happens if a Worgen bites a Vulpera? Does the Alliance get Worgpera? do Vulpera get the Druid class via osmosis?


I would actually be completely okay with this. :smiley:

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If it works on all elves, there’s a chance it’ll work on Trolls as well.

I had a discussion just like this and it went like this. Curse is transmitted via nasty bite, or blood. We got into such a discussion that it also included how even worgens would actually not be able to give birth to worgens but whatever race they were before being worgen. We all thought to ourselves how because babies always need blood to live (Duh) but I ended up remembering my biology class that the placenta keeps that from happening. So yeah, weird thoughts…

As for the infection to become worgen, remember it is a CURSE, so if you happen to be a user of the light, you’re resistant to it, can cure the initial stages (At least in theory) or in other forms that can also resist the curse.

I’m sure someone has a much more sensible idea how it works asides what we’re given but this is the only sound idea I’ve been able to come up with.

It works on all elves I’m certain, but it’s not portrayed in-game.

Sin’dorei and Ren’dorei are both just extensions of the same breed of elves. See them evolving from Night Elves and being exposed/having the sunwell created or discovered. (think it was created) and there’s SPECULATION that trolls because night elves evolved from them are able to turn into worgen as well. The curse has -ALWAYS- been transmittable but people have had this fanon idea that it wasn’t because of the ritual of balance you undergo at the start of the worgen starting zone.

I do believe, at least in the rp sense, in that worgen can have worgen babies. My reasoning for this is when a worgen dies and you run back, you leave behind a werewolf skeleton, not a human one. Nor do you revert when you die. So it gives the impression that the curse completely rewrites your character’s dna to the point that while you can turn back, you’re actually a humanoid wolf that can turn human, instead of the other way around.

Which would also explain that’s why the curse, once it fully takes, can never be undone.

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That is basically it. The gnome becomes increasingly convinced that they are holding out on him and that he just has to prove himself.

I showed my fiance this picture and she almost left me.