Words that will start a fight every time

My ESO version of Surkoth (my former WoW orc mage) is a powerhouse of dual wield/2H mingling with Hurricane and Critical Surge. It always feels like it hits like a truck and the aesthetic is always satisfying.

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Elder Scrolls Orcs will forever be better and more interesting than WoW Orcs


I mean, you can’t beat literal poop elves.


Yeah, major ongoing problem. 2H is reliable, predictable aaaand boring as sin. The only time it ever felt different to me was Dragon Knight (because they had a “better” feeling damage rotation kit) and Warden (because you had to specifically combo things to do max damage.)

I am currently leveling a Stamplar because they’re obnoxious to fight in PvP with a partner but uuggghhghghhh I don’t do anything but spam Reverse Slash until things die because there’s no point using any of these healing abilities I was given and what do you mean all these damage abilities are magicka.

I haven’t personally played Stamcro but my friend who just got to 50 hated it. Because of animation jank there isn’t much of a reason to cast your other abilities unless you do animation cancelling at which point you’re literally just twitching in place while numbers fly up.

Isn’t there still only two viable tanks? I remember wanting to try tanking and a templar and everyone told me that they weren’t good.

I wanted to get into pvp but man I was terrible and would just get destroyed. I felt completely useless.


ESO is the game I play when I want to sit, relax, and enjoy the setting.

To be honest I mostly play it essentially as a single player game.

FFXIV is my real main MMO.

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Nah, they’re all viable right now. You’ll get your hoity toity folks who emulate The Best Of The Best and say X class can’t be a tank / healer, you fool!

Templar is a fine tank but they play kind of like that weird phase of Protection Paladin where you weren’t really in the business of mitigating or avoiding damage on yourself, just helping your healer (or ignoring them completely) top your bar back off which is… a really weird experience in ESO tanking when the other five classes care more about how to best not almost die.

That’s 99% of how I play as well outside of PvP and in my experience the best way to play. That said, that 1% of wanting to make sure I keep this half of Cyrodiil properly painted red means I had to git gud at animation cancelling and knowing what “The Meta” would be at the time.

A little gnawing fragment of power gaming that never leaves me when I want to do anything remotely competitive.

“Oh I get slightly better rewards if my faction wins this week?” whumps well-weathered tome of min-maxing onto desk

I’m really excited for Greymoor and am dying to see what the full rework of the Vampirism tree looks like.


NGL I hit a hard wall of burnout with ESO but all of this is making me wanna get back into it, finish Orsinium

A friend and I are going through all of the questlines in their “official” order so we probably won’t be getting to the new one anytime soon but that’s my general advice to anyone who goes “This is nice” but isn’t like, super into it.

Play it as a single player or co-op RPG and call it a day, just one that happens to have like, a dungeon finder or some siege gameplay if you want to blow off some steam. Every Elder Scrolls game I’ve ever played has been a series of using the same abilities because they’re efficient and I just wanna go on quests and see weird stuff, ESO didn’t have to be anything else in that regard.

Yeah I loved ESO, I skipped most of WoD because of it - that and WoD sucking.

It’s a really fun game to run around in, level, fish, etc. The crafting is super cool and I hate crafting. Cyrodiil is pretty fun. I used to do semi-IC drunk Cyrodiil nights with my old guild, some of the most fun I’ve had in an MMO. Sometimes we would just chill in a castle and RP and then man the walls when it came under attack.

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This is funny because they were literally pooped out. Elder Scrolls lore is wacky

That’s because ES orcs are just a different flavor of elf.


That’s right, I said it.

Fite me!

This too.

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Kinda like how Elves and Trolls are the same in WoW

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I mean, technically? However outside of the literal sense, really really not.

Totally elves.

But I like them being twisted messed up daedric poop elves much better than aliens from another world. It’s more Tolkien-esque.

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“I think WRA-D moderation should be improved/revised.”


“Don’t kinkshame me!”

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“Grilled Cheese is a melt”

“Trump 2020”