Words I never thought I would utter

I’m out of Hochenblume

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I… do not… believe you! That salad material is EVERYWHERE!

It was a function of not doing any gathering for a long time. Plus I obsessively would refine it to 3* whenever I could. Eventually I just ran out.

Luckily, it’s cheap

On a side note, I hope they never do this again. It really brought out the worst behavior in players. I often felt like I was cleaning up the trash so other players could harvest the good stuff. And the drop rate for Writhebark was criminally low.

I can understand having an herb that is rare. But sharing a node with an herb that no one wanted after about a month was just bad game design.

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More the fact that even without specialization an hochenbloom could yield 10… While a fully developed writhbark node will get… 2. That is quite the slap in the face.

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