Why the hell would you take away our ability to tank properly.
We just fall over without having WoG.
We get 8 SOLID WoG’s before were standing there helpless watching the healer struggle to keep up with EVERY affix ever made, EVERY mechanic, on top of cleansing, healing and more.
Wasting Months of my life trying to remain a valuable tank, Now I’ll be sure to Never get into a Mythic plus 3, even at 443 I lvl.
The words I want to use will surely result in a Ban hammer where my thoughts and concerns will be deleted and you get to hide behind the veil of ambiguity (by claiming to balance things for the better, when in fact you don’t know how to stop things from happening in PvP and PvE at the same time, so people think you’re doing this for some righteous cause) and escape accountability like normal, while you have us Prot paladins struggling to time a M+18 or be invited to a normal raid because there are better , tankier, self sustaining tanks out there.
We should NOT have to pay every month to have 0 and I mean ZERO security/FAITH in our characters and what will happen to them every Tuesday. You got me off of My MM by removing Rapid fire, You got me off the Demo lock by lowering the power of Demonic strength ( SUUUPER Random btw), Now you want me to start fresh on a new character where I’m FORCED to buy tokens and play even more to try and remain competitive?? Yeah guy’s I don’t think so.
Ill go play Runescape where at least They know how to keep their hands off of characters (that we’ve DEVOTED good time on) and their female co-workers.
Thanks for ruining the one good thing in my life.