Word of a worthy ally not active in Forbidden Reach (after Timewalking dungeon)

I am not getting alt reputation bonuses from the Word of a Worthy ally for Dragonflight factions in the Forbidden Reach. The buff is not present and the amount of rep earned is not increased.

Editing to add further discovery - the buff is cleared by going in timewalking dungeons. You must go elsewhere in the dragon isles for it to come back.

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Yet another reputation bug. Amazing.

So many broken reputation ā€˜perksā€™ that simply are not applying, and now apparently, do not even work when they state they are applied.

Maruuk Centaur does not even pretend to apply.

And I will check my next character in ā€˜the reachā€™ area to see if similar to yours where even the ones that claim to apply are not doing so.

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Iā€™m sorry you have rep issues, too! I havenā€™t experienced the centaur bug yet since I donā€™t usually choose them, but I do lose the envoy buff when timewalking and reported that earlier in the week. Let me know if you have the same issue, as Iā€™ve also been in and out of timewalking and not sure if this particular issue is specific to the Timewalking dungeon or everyone. I will try to test on others, as well.

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This is quite annoying and seems to nullify a lot of the usefulness of the ā€œenvoyā€ choice they put in FR if one was planning to use it for alts. I didnā€™t pay close enough attention to see if the envoy buff persists outside FR however so it can possibly still be combined with the correct bonuses if collected tokens are used outside FR.


When I left the Forbidden Reach the worthy ally buff reappeared and I still had the envoy buff (had not gone in any Timewalking dungeons in between). Even while in Orgrimmar and Legion Dalaran both buffs are present. I even tested Northrend Dalaran and both are still there.


New update: took some more characters over to the reach and they DO have the buff. I thought it might have to do with timewalking, so I queued for a dungeon, noticed the buff was gone in the dungeon, came back and it was gone in the reach. Flew to wingrest emissary, it returned. I will update my original post.

Second time, I queued in Dalaran. I had to return to Valdrakken for it to appear.

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Same issue. Ally buff missing after timewalking dungeon. Only noticed when placing a dragon expedition flag in forbidden reach and got unbuffed renown from it