Ah, the Snyderverse curse is still alive. Yeah it’s worth renting but not a full purchase. Two positives though: Pedro Pascal was good as Maxwell Lord. The CG for Cheetah didn’t give me flashbacks to Cats!
Was looking forward to this movie and was very disappointed. A two and half hour movie with very, very little action. I don’t understand why DC keep blowing it when it comes to superhero movies. For every good one, there are three bad. I dunno. And don’t get me started on giving back the wishes. That felt like a cheap way to get out of things.
Looking back a day after watching, what strikes me most is that I found the characters played by Pascal, Wiig, and Pine to be far more interesting and engaging than that of Gadot. In turn, I realized I felt much the same about that first WW movie - that the characters other than Gadot’s WW were more interesting and engaging. Even child WW was much more interesting.
And that’s before getting to the absurd length, the strange editing, the lazy story, and the extreme suspension of disbelief required to deal with the Monkey’s Paw on a planetary basis.
On the plus side, when we clicked on the Amazon Fire promo for Soul to watch the trailer it actually started streaming the movie itself. In the short time it took to realize we weren’t watching an extended trailer we became engrossed and wound up watching it straight through. Lovely movie.
I hope this signals an end to an era and Hollywood picks a new theme to oversell. Comic book heroes are done to death.
Oh and I appreciate the heads up. I keep seeing bad reviews for this movie and even though I can watch it right now for free on HBO Max, I’m still gonna pass because I don’t want to waste 2 1/2 hours of my life
Don’t be crazy, did you like the movie or not and how well was the plot thought out. Did it have direction? Did you watch the trailers? Is it just another Marvel character being introduced to the series. Is she prey? How often is she called upon? I think it’s got potential for movie goers.
As far as the monkey’s paw plot goes a lot of people tend to forget that WW was always someone in the comics who dealt with issues of magic. Even right now she leads the Justice League Dark. So the plot point isn’t too far off technically speaking for her. But that said, it wasn’t written all that well for her. If they wanted to do a magic based story or introduce Max Lord there were plenty of other ways to do it.
The actors/actresses were still great in the movie, I just wish the writing did them justice. Pedro Pascal was the true highlight of the movie as a villain. I enjoyed him more than Kristen Wig and her take on Cheetah which is supposed to be Wonder Woman’s number one enemy.
Perhaps one day DC will learn from Marvel and start producing good movies. I had hope for this one as the first WW movie knocked it out of the park and has been the only DC movie I have thoroughly enjoyed. Oh well.
IIRC Gal Gadot’s surgery was for the first WW movie, not the 2nd. Also, while I do agree that it was long and drawn out, and that the script was poor, the main complaint I have are the SFX. Her running animation, flying, and even fighting, were all incredibly poorly done. It genuinely felt like the movie itself was made in 1984.