Wondering about the win loss rate for your faction in RanBG or EbG for normal player battlegrounds?

i have kept a spreadsheet on hundreds of BGs , these are random non rated battlegrounds ; for both Alliance and Horde , both factions on like a near perfect curve Win 33% of the time and Lose 66% of battles. These are my own statistics but appear to be accurate for Random Bg’s and also EPiC Battle grounds regardless of the faction . . .

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yup, you will on average always lose many more games than you win if you are queing solo and not premade. if the system was working as intended those numbers should be much closer to 50/50 or alliance or horde would make up the difference. Instead, that difference is being shifted over to premades.

About 50/50 give or take a few on most maps. 60-70% win rate on a couple.

Those are exactly the numbers I see across any faction, healer or dps, ranged or melee, and any class I’ve played for the last 2 expansions or so.

Basically, a ~33% solo Q win ratio in epic BGs (which are the BGs I’ve been enjoying the most lately).

I still manage to have fun, which isn’t too surprising as the game is fun, win or lose.

get rid of pre-mades

When the game was more populated I was at a 65-70% winrate as a solo.

I’d say right now solo it’s closer to 55%

Of course if you premade then it jumps up to around 90%

One toon that pretty much solo’d or a bit of small group: 54% win rate epic BGs.

That’s why I don’t believe the people who claim they solo and “only face premades” and don’t win.

You can see your win rate in your armory.

thank you 4 the info , found it

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