Wonder whats going to happen


yea it does just because you cant achieve it doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter lmao

FotM Sin Rogue reroll with full vers amp, and drest trinket… Your opinion checks out.

Brb lemme go level a Lock and spend 2 months farming the most OP Essences, Corruption, and Azerite Gear so I can spam Chaos Bolt vs R1 players that tanked to the sub 1500 bracket so they could farm echos. Maybe then I could understand how rating actually matters.

lol I had this rogue since like early wod i started maining it after they made monk so lame this xpac and windwalker was useless early bfa so i swapped to rogue:) ok buddy

if you have played above 2k this szn you would know 90% of people have drest trink some don’t take it though also everyone would have vers amps except it was a big grind i went hard on the other day so others will catch up that haven’t very soon:)

Lesson one on how to stay hardstuck.

Blame everything and everyone but yourself for your outcomes.


I’m still so confused by players that have an excuse for everything

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Argue the facts instead of resorting to “lul mad cuz bad.” I’m simply pointing out the obvious flaws in the game. You don’t have to be some arbitrary “high rating” to see the glaring issues. There’s a reason PvP is basically non existent right now. More people watch sodapoppin eat cereal than watch the AWC.

  • Fact: If you don’t play FotM, you can’t compete. Are you gonna admit that a back peddling Destro is a better player than you because he’s higher rated?
  • Fact: Rating is skewed because R1s tanking is ruining the integrity of the entire ladder. Do you think fighting multi glads at 1500 is fair?
  • Fact: There is too much RNG to safely determine “skill” in arena play. Tanks one shotting people with stacked TD is so much skill right? They’re better players because they’re higher rated.

Skill might matter on TR between the top 24 players in the game, but on live retail servers, rating literally means nothing whatsoever.

Know what i think of pvp this expansion

Extra 475 item from weekly chest for pve purposes
BIS azerite for pve purposes.

And thats it lol.

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Idk man quappys ego is so big now I could swear it’s got its own moons orbiting around it.

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Keep them reaching old glad from 1898

If you don’t understand the problem with what you said, then you’re part of the reason this game is such trash.

If people must “cheese” their way to a high rating, the game is broken beyond repair. Of course, you’re a bad player and your WoW rating is probably your biggest life accomplishment, so I’d expect you to trash talk others.

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